
Tarsis was once part of the Aradan kingdom, but after its fall, was adopted into Tiren. The town struggles as very little trade comes through it, and sitting on the edge of the lands ravaged by the Great War has very little safe farmland.

  • Statistics: Crime 7; Danger 7; Economy 4; Law 4; Knowledge 3; Magic 2
  • Highest Stat is 10, lowest 1 
  • Size:Large Town
  • Government: Monarchy
  • Economic System: Capitalist
  • Population: 3800 (85% Human, 10% Dwarf, 3% Half Dwarf, 2% Other)

Notable NPC’s:

Sultan Tarkan – A fat, lazy, corrupt man. He wants nothing more than to sit in his palace and eat and drink


Notable Places:


  1. Sultan’s Palace
  2. The Grand Cathedral – Polythesia Church
  3. Wallside Inn
  4. The Ceaseless Bizarre
  5. The Tritium Wheel (Brothel)
  6. Steeple Bench (Blacksmith)
  7. Volen’s (Alchemist)
  8. Bilga’s Haul (General Store)
  9. Many Stars Glass
  10. Corner Square Inn
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