Statistics: Crime 3; Danger 2; Economy 6; Law 5; Knowledge 5; Magic 5
Highest Stat is 10, lowest 1
Size: Small Town
Government: Aristocrat
Economic System: Capitalist
Population: 1543 (Diversity: 98% Terran, 1% Dwarf, 1% other )
Radzyn is a well off smaller town on the bank of Stal Lake. It is best known for its river ship building and fishing.
Notable NPC’s:
Lord Garrot IV
Notable Places:
Trout Shack (Tavern)
Wade, Female Dworv
Tomart – Terran, Male, off-duty guard
Wearda – Teran, Female, farmer
Oswulf – Terran, Male, Hunter
Trout and Bitter Cheese, Ale 1 sp
Salted Pork and Bitter Cheese, Ale 1 sp
Bear Stew and a Pear, Ale 5 sp
Rusty Bucket
Egna, Owner, Female Terran
Bill, Cook Terran
Fina, Barkeep, Dwarf
Gery – Male, Terran, Merchant
Baldo – Male, Elfling, Farmer
Boiled Carrot, Mug of Ale (3 cp)
Boiled Sausage and Dried Lentils, Tankard of Cider (11 cp)
Pottage, Mug of Cider (4 cp)
Barley Bread and Blue Cheese, Mug of Bitter (4 cp)
Turnip Stew and a Beer (3 cp) (secret menu)
Behtrot’s Smithy
Jon Behtrotson
The Fallen Yew
Munda – M, Terran, Carpenter
Town guard and jail
Constable Geren – Portly, gruff, fair
Judge Yedda – Xenophobic, older, fair
Cow’s Shoe Cobbler
Wystan the Shipwright
The shipbuilders are wealthy and carry power.
The Sanctuary
Caretaker Eikan
It is odd that Radzyn doesn’t have a Unelesia church, but it has a small sanctuary of the ancient gods.