Character Round:
Single Actions:
Attack (characters can only attack once per round)
Cast a spell (pay attention to casting time of individual spells)
Heroic Action
Move Action (can be split with another single action)
Standard Action (open a door, kick over a table)
Action definitions
Attack – Using their base attack.
Base Attack Bonus – The bonus added to your d20 attack roll.
Heroic Action – When a character wants to do something out of the ordinary, such as tackle their opponent, they must succeed at a Heroic Action. A Heroic Action is a player vs. Game Master roll: each rolls a d20 and adds the appropriate ability modifier (for a roll against the environment the GM adds a default +2). The highest roll wins. Heroic actions can be used for any non-combat actions that would be contested by another creature.
Skill Checks – Most skill checks are against the standard DC 15. The GM can add modifiers based on different situations.
Move Action – The player can move up to their full movement. She can move, then perform another action, then continue moving as long as she does not move further than their full movement.
Spell – Casting a single spell.
Stabilize – A standard action to stabilize a disabled character on a DC12 Survival check.
Standard Action – A standard action is one action that takes a limited amount of time. Examples: Opening a door, flipping a table, unlocking a lock.
How to attack another creature
To hit:
D20 + BAB (Base Attack Bonus) + Ability Modifier (STR for melee, DEX for ranged) = or > Target’s Armor Class
Criticals and fumbles
Rolling a 20 is always a Critical Hit. Some weapons have a larger range, and you can choose the Expanded Critical Talent which adds 1 to your crit range.
Critical Hit
A roll of a natural 20 during any attack causes double damage. Roll your damage dice twice, with all applicable bonuses, and add the rolls together for the total damage inflicted.
A roll of a natural 1 during any attack or action causes the character to fumble. The circumstances and consequences of a fumble are up to the GM, but we suggest it causes the character to have some negative effect, like dropping their weapon, tripping when charging, or says something incredibly offensive during a diplomatic negotiation.
Armor Class
Your Armor Class (AC) represents how hard it is for you or your opponent to strike each other. An attack roll is made on a d20, with all appropriate modifiers added, and is successful if the result is equal to or higher than the target’s AC. Your AC is equal to the following:
10 + armor bonus + shield bonus + Dexterity modifier + size modifier + natural armor
Table: AC size modifier chart
Size |
Size Modifier |
Colossal |
-8 |
Gargantuan |
-4 |
Huge |
-2 |
Large |
-1 |
Medium |
0 |
Small |
+1 |
Tiny |
+2 |
Diminutive |
+4 |
Fine |
+8 |
If a creature is at least 50% hidden behind an object, or has the ability to duck behind cover, then attackers suffer a -2 to attack rolls to hit. If a creature is fully Concealed, but still attacking, attackers suffer a -5 to attack rolls to hit.
Challenge Rating (CR)
A monster’s CR is the average level of a party of adventurers for which one creature would make an encounter of moderate difficulty.
When your character’s current hit points drop to -10 or lower, they’re dead. They cannot be healed, and barring some kind of miracle, they cannot return to the world.
Nonlethal Damage
A character can choose to use nonlethal damage during combat. Nonlethal damage accumulates with standard damage. If nonlethal damage exceeds your current hit points, you fall unconscious.
When a hero drops to or below 0, they become disabled. They must succeed at a DC12 Fortitude check to stabilize. If a hero is disabled they can not move, attack, communicate, or cast spells. Once they have successfully stabilized, they may try to succeed at a DC14 CON check to see if they become mobile. If they become mobile, they may do one limited action per round, such as move at 1/2 speed, cast a spell, use a skill, or attack an adjacent creature at – 5 to hit and damage. A hero keeps these disadvantages until they are healed or they naturally gain back enough HP to put them over 0 HP.
During combat, they may make a single CON check each round on their turn. Out of combat, they may make a check each in game hour at a +5 bonus.
Optional: If a character goes below 0 HP, they lose 1 HP per round until they stabilize.