
Untrained in the delicate and precise nature of magic, some wylders have learned through trial and error how to live with their special gifts, while others perished due to the dangerous effects of their gift. Raised in a world that fears magic, wylders strive to keep their abilities a secret and try to live a normal life. Instead of isolating themselves in the intense study of magic like the luminari, they go about their lives, becoming proficient with more weapons and armor, honing their skills, and leading more active lives, granting them more toughness than their learned counterparts.

SagaBorn 1.5 Stats

Hit Die: d6

Class Abilities: INT

Untrained and undisciplined, the wylders are the wild mages of Atheles


Starting Spells known at level 1
Spells 4


Mana Pool Table 1: Base Mana per Day

Caster Level Mana per Day
1st 2
2nd 4
3rd 7
4th 11
5th 16
6th 24
7th 33
8th 44


Mana Pool Table 2: Mana Bonus (Based on INT Score vs. Spellcaster Level)

INT Score Level of Spellcaster  
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
+1 1 1 1 1
+2 1 4 4 4
+3 1 4 9 9
+4 1 4 9 16
+5 2 5 10 17
+6 2 8 13 20

For more on Mana and Magic, please see the chapter on Magic.


Level Base Attack Bonus (BAB) Class Bonus Spell Memory Wylder Base Mana Level Bonus*
1st +1 Elemental Type, Elemental Focus, Spell Memory, Spell Sight, Starting Spells, Wild Magic 6 2 Starting HD (Max), 1st Legacy Item, 10 Skill Points, 2 Talent Points 
2nd +2 +1 to Touch AC vs Spells, Mage Lore 7 4 +1 HD, +1 HP, +1 Skill
3rd +3 1 Talent Point 8 7 +1 HD, +1 Skill, 1 Talent
4th +4 +1 to Touch AC vs Spells, Survival +2, Discordian Shield 9 11 +1 HD, 2nd Legacy Item, +1 Ability, +1 Skill
5th +5 1 Talent Point 12 16 +1 HD, +1 Skill
6th +6 +1 to Touch AC vs Spells, Chaos Wave 14 24 +1 HD, +1 Skill, 1 Talent Point
7th +7 1 Talent Point 17 33 +1 HD, +1 Skill, 3rd Legacy Item
8th +8 +1 to Touch AC vs Spells, Focused Wild Magic, Magical Attack 19 44 +1 HD, +1 Skill, 1 Talent Point, +1 Ability

*Level dependent, not class dependent. These skills are completely independent of Class Feature.

Level 1

Elemental Type: A wylder can use any type of energy which they can infuse into elemental spells. They choose from: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Ice, Electricity. The Wylder gains one elemental type at level 1, and another at level 3. They can only have 2 Max elemental foci. These can not be changed.

Elemental Focus: Elemental focus is a magical ability that targets an object to become a bonded focus between the spellcaster and the element. It takes a free action to cast and the target must be an object touched. Element focus counts as a spell for detection, dispels, and other abilities; but does not count against a bard or wylder’s spell memory.

The spellcaster pulls energy from themselves to create a focus for elemental magic. While natural elements may be available, elemental focuses allow for a spellcaster to bond with the element and allow for it to be shaped into spells. Effects to the body due to creating the foci have no detriment to the spellcasters, instead just describing how it feels to create them. A spellcaster can only have 1 focus active per 2 spellcaster levels. 


Focus: a burnable item or a piece of metal

The spellcasters body cools as they transfer heat into the focus item, their body dropping a few degrees for 10 minutes. Flammable items burst into flame while metal becomes hot for the duration of the spell. Flammable objects burn the standard amount of time and metal stays hot for 1 hour per spellcaster level.


Focus: A jar or small container

The spellcaster fills a vessel with spit, sweat, or blood to create a focus causing them to feel dehydrated for 10 minutes. The water focus lasts for 1 hour per caster level.

Water (Ice)

Focus A metal bar

The spellcaster’s body warms as they transfer heat from the focus item, their body rising a few degrees for 10 minutes. The ice focus lasts 1 hour per level.


Focus: A jar or container

The spellcaster exhales air into a vessel as a focus. This causes them to be short of breath for 10 minutes. The air focus lasts for 1 hour per caster level.


Focus: A copper wire bound upon itself creating a twisted loop

The spellcaster imbues the wire with electricity from their body causing their heart to skip beats for the next 10 minutes. The electrical focus lasts 1 hour per caster level.


Focus: A jar or container filled with soil, or a rock, stone, or gem.

The spellcaster imbues the earth with part of themselves, which may be saliva, breath, blood, or spirit. The spellcaster feels numb for 10 minutes after imbuing the focus.The earth focus lasts 1 hour per spellcaster level.

Spell Memory: Unable to record spells in a spellbook, wylders are limited to a number of spells they can know at a given time. This is based on class, level, and ability modifier. A wylder can commit a number of spells to memory equal to their Spell Memory Allotment for a given spell level plus their primary ability modifier modifier. 


Spell Memory Allotment

Spellcaster Level Allowed Spells in Memory 
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 12
6 14
7 17
8 19


Spell Sight: A wylder can use Spell Sight to memorize a spell that they witness being cast. This ability is detailed further in the chapter on Magic.

Starting Spells: A wylder gets started spells according to the Starting Spell Chart.

Wild Magic: A burst of energy explodes from the wylder’s hands toward a target. On a successful magic attack, the wylder inflicts 1d4+1 points of damage, gaining 1d4 in power every 2 levels. It is a force effect. Range 60’. 

Alternatively a Wylder may charge their weapon with this ability as a free action. With a successful hit, this adds the wild magic damage to the melee weapon’s damage.

Level 2

Mage Lore: Roll 2d20 when making a Knowledge or Spellcraft check to know about magical history, lore, or effects.

Level 4

Discordian Shield: A swirling vortex of chaos energy gives the wylder a +2 shield bonus to their AC and DR 1. This can be cast as a standard or move action and lasts as long as the wylder wishes.

Level 6

Chaos Wave: A wave of chaotic energy bursts from the wylder in all directions, doing 4d6+3 damage to all in a 10’ radius. A wylder can do this 2 times per day.

Level 8

Focused Wild Magic: At level 8, a wylder has learned to control the wild magics that flow through them. Their wild magic ability allows them to cast a burst of wild force doing 4d4+4 points of damage. Now that they can focus this energy, they can change the energy type to any elemental focus they have. Range 120’.

Alternatively a Wylder may charge their weapon with this ability as a free action. With a successful hit, this adds the wild magic damage to the melee weapon’s damage.

Magical Attack: If a wylder casts a spell that costs mana, they may, as a free action, make one melee attack with a weapon.

SagaBorn 1.0 Stats

Hit Die: d8

Class Abilities: Primary Spellcaster Ability (INT,WIS, CHA)

Untrained and undisciplined, the wylders are the wild mages of Uteria.

Starting Spells known at level 1
0 Mana Spells 3
1 Mana Spells 1


Level Base Attack Bonus (BAB) Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Class Bonus Level Bonus*
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Spell Memory, Spell Sight,Wild Magic 1st Legacy Item, 5 skill points to start, 2 Talent Points
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3   Bonus Hit Point, +1 Skill Point
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 1 Talent Point, Chaos Wave All Resistances gain +1, +1 Skill Point, 1 Talent Point
4th +3 +4 +1 +4   +1 Ability Point, +1 Skill Point, 2nd Legacy Item
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 1 Talent Point +1 Deflection Bonus to AC, +1 Skill Point
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Discordian Shield All Resistances gain +1, +1 Skill Point, 1 Talent Point
7th +5 +5 +2 +5   Natural Armor +1, +1 Skill Point, 3rd Legacy Item
8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Focused Wild Magic +1 Ability Point, +1 Skill Point

*Level dependant, not class dependant. These skills are completely independant of class bonus.

Spell Sight: A mage can use Spell Sight to memorize a spell that he witnesses being cast. It is detailed further in the Magic Chapter.

Spell Memory: Unable to record spells in a spellbook, wylders are limited to a number of spells they can know at a given time, based on class, level, and ability score.  A wylder may have committed to memory a number of spells equal to their Spell Memory Allotment for a given spell level plus their primary ability score modifier.

Spell Memory Allotment

Spellcaster Level Allowed Spells in Memory
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 12
6 14
7 17
8 19

Wild Magic: A burst of energy explodes from your hands towards a target. You must succeed at a ranged touch attack +2. It causes 1d4+1 points of damage, gaining 1d4 in power every 2 levels. It is a force effect. Range 60’.

Chaos Wave: A wave of chaotic energy bursts from you in all directions doing 1d6+1 damage to all in a 10’ radius around you. You may do this 2 times per day.

Discordian Shield: A swirling vortex of chaos energy gives you a +2 shield bonus to your AC. It lasts 1d6+1 rounds. You may do this 2 times per day.

Focused Wild Magic: At level 8, a Wylder has learned to control the wild magics that flow through them. When they turn level 8, their wild magic ability allows them to cast a burst of wild force doing 4d4+4 points of damage. Now that they can focus this energy, they can change the energy type to any in which they choose – acid, fire, force, ice, water, or wind. Range 120’.



Wyvere. by Michael Bielaczyc

The false dragons of the steppes, the wyvere is a terror anywhere it is seen. Large, covered in multicolored scales, its long wings carry is far from its roosts in the steppelands.


  • Challenge Rating: 11
  • Size: Large
  • Type: Draconian
  • Initiative: +5



  • Hit Points: 126 (12d12 +48)
  • Armor Class: 25, touch 10, flat footed 24 (+1 dex, +15 natural armor, -1 size)
  • Saves: Fort +12 Ref +9 Will +10



  • Speed: 60 ft, fly 200ft
  • Base Attack: +12
  • Melee: Bite +18 (2d6+9) with poison; Tail slap +12 (1d8+9)
  • Ranged:
  • Special Attacks: Venomous bite / paralytic; venomous spit, range 30 ft. 1d6 acid damage per round for 1d3 rounds.



  • Abilities: Str 23, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12
  • Skills: Athletics 3, Awareness 5, Endurance 2, Survival 5
  • Talents: Alertness, Cleave, Weapon Specialty (bite, tail)
  • Special Qualities: Immune to poison.



  • Environment: Desert
  • Organization: Single, Pair
  • Treasure: Double


Special Abilities

This venomous creature may either attempt to inject venom using a vicious bite or attack with its spiked tail which it slathers in venom. The wyvere typically likes to swoop over its victim and slap with its envenomed tail.

Spit Acidic Venom (Ex): The wyvere can spit its acidic venom up to 30 feet as a standard action. This venom is a sticky corrosive fluid that aids in digesting the intended victim prior to eating. This is a ranged touch attack with no range increment. Any opponent hit by this attack takes 6d6 points of acid damage (Reflex DC 18 halves).


The wyvere lives in the steppes. It is said it is a lesser cousin of the great dragons of old.  It has only two legs and uses its front wings for stabilization while on the ground.
This creature does not weigh much for its size as it has to be capable of non-magical flight. Its scales are very tough and its hide is prized by hunters of rare game. The belly scales are almost as strong as metal and often large enough to be used as a breastplate. Wyvere eggs are also rumored to have medicinal qualities and are prized by humans.

Xyla Xibbadobbler Swiftdigit III

Xyla is an elfling, and has just left the Vale on her “Calling.” She has been waiting at the South Hollow Inn to find a group of adventurers who need her “help.”

To outsiders, Xyla may be similar to any other elfling, but among her people, she is a radiant beauty. Her laugh and smile disarm many she speaks with, but she is also vicious if provoked.


Name: Xyla Xibbadobbler Swiftdigit III
Race: Elfling
Class: Rogue
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Size: Small
Initiative: +2

Hit Points: 6
Armor Class: 15
Saves: Fort    0    Ref   +4   Will   -1

Speed: 20
Base Attack: +0
Melee: Short Sword of Xandra (Legacy) +0 (1d6)
Ranged: Shortbow +2 (1d6)
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack

Abilities: STR 10, DEX 15, CON 11, INT 13, WIS 9, CHA 18
Skills: 4 Acrobatics, 1 Athletics, -1 Awareness, 1 Endurance, 2 Knowledge, 5 Persuasion, 0 Spellcraft, 1 Survival, 4 Thievery
Talents: Run, Deceitful
Special Qualities: Iron causes discomfort, low light vision 60′, fearless, trapfinder,

Organization: Wanderers


Weapons: Short Sword of Xandra, Short Bow

Armor: Leather Armor

Misc: Thieves Tools, Pouch, Belt, Caltrops, Grappling hook, Bedroll, Flint and steel, sack, Backpack, Candle, Blanket, Rope, Waterskin, Whetstone, Mirror (small steel)




  • Statistics: Crime 1; Danger 3; Economy 5; Law 4; Knowledge 3; Magic 6
  • Highest Stat is 10, lowest 1 
  • Size: Village
  • Government: Mayoral
  • Economic System: Capitalist
  • Population: 121

The small village of Yorik is to the northeast of Kowal. It is a close knit community that is distrustful of Duke Zadeku. The village has been protected from sickness and famine by old Miss Hartley. They have a more moderate view of magic due to miss Hartley’s “use” of it.


Notable NPC’s:

  • Mayor Bram Hartley: Bumbling, but smart and happy.
  • Old miss Filla Hartley (Mayor’s Mother): Friendly, motherly.



Notable Places:

The Mother’s Milk – Tavern

Owner Gildenstern – Faun (flirtatious, warm)

Booker for adventurers.

Omfoodle’s Shop – General Store

Owner Vim Omfoodle – Elfling Family

Pleasant Iron – Smithy

Cal Hartman – Ex-guard. Dislikes Red Guard


Physical Description: Tall (7’), wide set angled eyes, dark hair, thin but muscular.

Personality: Serious.



Challenge Rating: 1/2

Size: Medium

Type: Undead

Initiative: -1



Hit Points: 16 (2d12+3)

Armor Class: 11 (-1 DEX, +2 Natural)

Saves: Fort +0 Ref -1 Will +3

Weaknesses: Head wounds/slashing, Slow



Speed: 20

Base Attack: +1

Melee: Slam +2 (1d6+1)

Ranged: –

Special Attacks: –

Sanity Effects: First Encounter 0/1



Abilities: STR 12, DEX 8, CON 0, INT 0, WIS 10, CHA 1

Skills: Acrobatics -1, Athletics 1, Awareness 1, Endurance -, Knowledge -, Persuasion -, Spellcraft -, Survival 0, -1 Thievery -1

Talents: Toughness

Special Qualities: DR 5/Slashing or head wound, darkvision 60’, Charge



Environment: Any

Organization: Any


Treasure: None



A zombie is slow moving, so it can only take one action per round.



A zombie can charge forward in a straight unhindered line and attack as a full round action.