


Upir (Fighter lvl 4)

Challenge Rating: 6

Size: M

Type: Undead

Initiative: +2



Hit Points: 36 (4HD)

Armor Class: 20, touch 12, flat-footed  13 ( +2 DEX, +3 Armor, +5 Misc )

Saves: Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +1

Weaknesses: Sensitive to light, silver



Speed: 30’

Base Attack: +4

Melee: Mace +7 (1d6+3, 19-20)

Ranged: +7

Special Attacks:  Life drain; dominate; create spawn;

Sanity Effects: First Encounter 1/2d6, Life Drain



Abilities: STR 16, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 8, WIS 8, CHA 8

Skills: Acrobatics +4, Athletics +5,  Awareness +1, Endurance +4, Knowledge -1, Persuasion -1, Spellcraft -, Survival 0, Thievery +4

Talents: Advantage, Expanded Critical, Over-extended Attack, Stunning Strike, Take a Hit

Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 1 (Talent), Fast healing 5, memories of the past; mindless victims; immortal; Spell-like abilities –  haste, spider climb, alter self, gaseous form



Environment: Any

Organization: Single


Treasure: Standard


Armor: Studded Leather


Creating an Upir



+3 to base creature’s CR


Size and Type

The creature’s type changes to undead. Size is unchanged.


Hit Dice

Increase all current and all future Hit Dice to d12s.



Same as base creature.


Armor Class

The base creature’s Armor Class improves by +5



An upir retains all attacks of the base creature.


Sanity Effect

First Encounter 1/2d6, Life Drain

Special Attacks


Life Drain

An upir can drain the energy from a victim. It must make a successful Heroic Action to pull the energy from its victim. It is an opposed Will save roll vs CHA ability mod. If the upir is successful, the victim takes 1d8 damage and the upir gains 1d8 health. The victim also must roll a Sanity Check (1/1d6)



A upir can crush an opponent’s will just by looking onto his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that the upir must use a standard action, and those merely looking at it are not affected. Anyone the upir targets must succeed on a Will based Heroic Action vs Persuasion or fall instantly under the upir’s influence. The victim gets to make a Heroic Action check once per round if under the upir’s influence. After three fails they are under their influence for 24 hours.


Create Spawn

An upir can feed upon a victim and through an arcane ritual turn its victim into an upir.


Special Qualities


Fast healing

An upir regains 5 HP per round, unless in full sunlight.


Memories of the Past

As an upir drains its victims life, they slowly gain the memories and thoughts of the victim.


Mindless Victims

If an upir drains enough from its victim, the victim loses all sense of being and becomes a mindless slave of the upir.



An upir is immortal and can not be slain, unless it is taken to zero HP, a wooden stake put through its heart, and its head cut off with a silver weapon. An upir’s corpse can also be brought out into the sunlight which turns it to ash.


Spell-Like Abilities

At will—haste, spider climb; 1/day alter self, gaseous form




Light Sensitivity

An upir who is brought into the sunlight loses its fast healing ability. Bright light causes the upir to fight at a -2 to hit.

Silver Weakness

Silver weapons do double damage.



The world has had many names, by many peoples. Originally named Valhaless by the eldar, the elves gave it the name Uteria, meaning “mother’s cradle”.

The main known continent of Uteria is Atheles.


Uthgard is the kingdom of the North East lands of Atheles.

It is currently ruled by a young king, Gundram Baleband,  who has aligned himself with the Unelesia Church and the Orovari. The cold winters have left his people starving, and he looks to expand his powers to the South to gain farmlands and taxes.


Southwest – Duchy of Ornund



An ancient lost island kingdom. It’s people came from the east. They were short with dark hair and broad shoulders. 

They fought against the Eldar and elves for years as they advanced, and their glass like weapons and armors rivaled the elves amarnium. The Valantians left their unnamed lands in far east and sailed to find an archipelago of islands away from the Eldar armies. There they flourished. Their counterpart mainland were subjegated and crushed by the Eldar

They named the island Valantia and they lived their many years. But the never forgot the Eldar and revenge burned hot in their cultural heart. When they felt they had advanced enough, they sought revenge against the Eldar. They built large temples and fortresses among the coasts of neighboring continents, expanding their own empire. They sent large armies into the underground cities of the Eldar

They were successful for a while, until the Eldar discovered dark and terrible magics which allowed them to cast down the sky and  whole settlements turned to dust. 

The Eldar sought out their homeland and cast the island down into the sea, the Valantian Empire was lost, leaving behind only scattered ruins and myths of the strange teran race of people.


The Vale is the home of the Alfiren, or Elflings. It is located in the Westlands, southwest of Ferryport. Long ago it was considered part of the kingdom of Bordon, but as the kingdom slowly divided, the Vale became its own land.

In the Third Age the Vale was the easiest way of travel from the city of wizards in the west southwards. The Elflings were discovered then (and named such as to their resemblance of their larger “cousins”). The wizards were uninterested in them from the start and the King of Bordon named Terrin Vinestock the first lord of Vale. Not knowing or caring what his new title bestowed them from the larger people, they Vale continued much as it had, save that the roads had to be widened and some inns along the way had to be built to allow for bigger folk.

The population of the Vale and its size does not increase much, though it would be hard to tell, since due to expanded roads, the Elflings have been able to indulge in their favorite pastime of traveling more than ever. Some theorized among the Elflings that better roads would make it easier for those who left to find their way back, but it has only seemed to allow them to travel further away. Some other speculate that another great gathering of Elflings has occurred somewhere, which is why many have not returned.

Many of the peoples of the world are welcome within the Vale, though they have become a little more cautious as time has gone on.

Alfiren homes are built in the stands of trees that dot the landscape of the Vale, separated by hills and open fields. They often build these simple but sturdy structures right up against the trunk of the tree and use the roots as stairs or even furniture inside the home. This is not merely done out of convenience, but is borne of what they call a “respect for the chaos that is nature herself.” Their construction reflects this chaos of nature rather than distorting it into the straight lines and perfect angles of human construction.

They are an agricultural society, but they eat so little that their stores rarely run low, and excess is shared freely with any needy outsider willing to transport it home. They have large fields of shared honey bee colonies and partially domesticated cows. Their fields are rampant with berries which the Alfiren harvest and turn into various berry wines, of which they drink often. Their honey mead is well known throughout the Westlands, though the supply has often fallen far short of its high demand.

All of this lends itself to a very unusual, yet beautiful, landscape. Immense open fields are dotted with cows meandering aimlessly. Large wooden boxes house thousands of bees, which can be seen flying from flower to flower across the multicolored hills. Large patches of trees spring sporadically from the ground, surrounded by honeysuckle and wild berries. Mixed among all this beauty, young Alfiren play among the flowers, and the older ones watch over them with a caring eye while going about their daily business.


The northern island kingdom of Vanad’s capital city.

Home of the Northlands Campaign


People of Note

  • Udun, Thane of House Trund
  • Mord

Places of Note:

  • The Battered Maiden

Organizations of Note:

  • Rovers




Before claiming the swamps near the Keep of the Mages as their territory, Varags were no different than common trolls. But the heavy use of magic in this region, centuries prior, has corrupted and twisted them into the dreadful Varag. Twisted and brutal, the Varag find pleasure in killing, and unlike the common troll, Varags don’t need to eat as often. Still, they enjoy killing just as often. Taller and leaner than their cousins, Varags top off around 16 to 17 feet and weigh about 900 lbs. Patches of their skin have begun peeling away from their bodies as the corrosive magic eats away at their flesh, but their regeneration keeps them alive.


A keen eye will notice when travelling through territory claimed by a Varag, as patches of death and decay abound. Oddly circular patches of withered plants and black soil, or unusual pools of darkened water filled with dead fish, usually indicate that a Varag is actively defiling in the area. But by the time a traveller notices these characteristic markings, it is usually too late.


Challenge Rating: 5

Size: Large

Type: Humanoid (Giant)

Initiative: +1



Hit Points: 63 (6HD)

Armor Class: 15, touch 10, flat footed 14 (+1 Dex, +5 Natural Armor, -1 Size)

Saves: Fort +12 Ref +3 Will +3

Weaknesses: Acid, fire



Speed: 30ft

Base Attack: +4

Melee: Bite +0 (1d8+6), 2 Claws +8 (1d6+6)

Ranged: –

Special Attacks: Rend (2d6+9)

Sanity Effects: First Encounter 1/1d6



Abilities: STR 23, DEX 13, CON 23, INT 6, WIS 9, CHA 6

Skills: Acrobatics +1, Athletics +6,  Awareness +2, Endurance +6, Knowledge -3, Persuasion -4, Spellcraft — , Survival -1, Thievery +1

Talents: 2 points or recommended: Iron Will, Alert

Special Qualities: Regeneration 5 (Acid and Fire), Regeneration 10 if actively ravaging  



Environment: Forest, Swamp

Organization: Solitary or Gang (2-3)


Treasure: Standard


Hold Breath

Varags lie in wait for their food to come to them, or lie in wait to kill for sport. A Varag can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to its Constitution score before it risks drowning.


Defiling Regeneration

When under heavy duress, or to slow down a number of foes in the immediate area, a Varag can begin actively ravaging, doubling its regeneration rate. Damage is first dealt to all vegetation and small insects/critters in a 10 foot radius. Once the area has been ravaged and there is no life force left to drain from the earth, the energy begins draining from larger creatures in the affected area, distributed evenly. A Varag can being ravaging in this manner by concentrating, which counts as a move action. This ravaging will continue as a free action as long as there are living creatures in the area of effect.



If a varag hits with both claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d6+9 points of damage.



Verien was a young guardsman of Kowal. He was very charismatic, though he was often quiet and solitary. He was friends with Damien, Gunderlan, and Heilman, who all became powerful men in the region.

He disappeared when he was in his mid 20’s and none know where he went.


The military organization of Tiren.

A Vicary is a loyal soldier of the Tiren Kingdom. They are one of the largest standing armies in Atheles.


A Vicary soldier is chosen at a young age, when they show an aptitude for sports or tactics.