
Tholas is an enigmatic figure, a hunter from the In-between—a realm where shadows blend with memories, and where the Losvari, or “lost elves,” have long resided. Among his clan, few still remember the forests and ancestral lands of Atheles, for they have become creatures of twilight and illusion. Yet Tholas’ family, bound by their Anavari roots, maintained a fierce loyalty to the wild elven traditions. Unlike the rest of the Losvari, his kin still clung to the primal ways of survival and reverence for nature. For Tholas, the tales of Atheles and its vibrant, untamed lands filled him with longing, a desire to reclaim his heritage.

Drawn by a restlessness that could not be quieted, Tholas returned to Atheles before his family, threading his way through hidden pathways and emerging alone beneath the vast, moonlit skies of his ancestral land. He arrived in Elmhearth, a small haven surrounded by ancient forests and resilient folk struggling against the looming threat of the Uthgard Empire. Elmhearth’s people, though weary and worn, displayed a resilience that struck a chord with him—a strength that reminded him of his own kin, forced to adapt to a harsh existence in the In-between.

Tholas quickly found his place among the townsfolk, slipping through forests to scout for Uthgard patrols, guiding Elmhearth’s hunters, and teaching them the ways of the Anavari. As he aids the people in their plight, Tholas is aware of the shadows drawing closer, the empire tightening its grip on the region. Still, he remains, driven by a fierce sense of duty and perhaps a desire to carve a place for his family in a land that once belonged to them. He is haunted by the knowledge that, though his clan may eventually join him in Atheles, they will return as strangers, changed by their exile. Until then, Tholas walks the edge of the wild, a lone hunter in a land caught between fading memory and brutal reality.



Thundrom are large hairy beasts from the Swordspyne Mountains. They are used as mounts by the people of the mountains, but to most of those in the plains, the Thundrom seems exotic and strange.


Thundroms are a little larger and bulkier than a horse and are covered in shaggy brown hair.  Their bodies resemble that of a yak in shape, but they have  long tusks and even longer curled ramlike  horns. Its head looks large for its body, its four nostrils the only exposed skin on this otherwise long haired beast.


The are used as mounts and beasts of burden by the people of the mountains and the Northeastern lands.


Challenge Rating: 2

Size: L

Type: Animal

Initiative: +3



Hit Points: 23 (2HD)

Armor Class: 17, touch 12, flat-footed 13 ( -1 size, +3 DEX, +4 natural armor)

Saves: Fort +8 Ref +7 Will +3




Speed: 50’

Base Attack:

Melee: Bite +5 (1d6 + 3), slam +1 (1d8 + 2)

Ranged: –

Special Attacks: –

Sanity Effects: –



Abilities: STR 20, DEX 16, CON 21, INT 2, WIS 17, CHA 9

Skills: Acrobatics +3, Athletics +5,  Awareness +3, Endurance +5, Knowledge -, Persuasion -, Spellcraft -, Survival +5, Thievery +3

Talents: Endurance, Run

Special Qualities: –



Environment: Mountains

Organization: Solitary, pair, herd (4-22)


Treasure: Standard



Third Age – Age of Kingdoms or the Time of Man (Elven)

  • 1  The first men are encountered by the Elves. They are barbaric and live in the deserts and arid lands that were left from the conquests of Kaldrath. The Elves at first believe them to be inferior and kin to goblins.
  • 224 The first human cities are built. The Elves begin to take notice of their “barbaric” neighbors and even train them in crafts and skills. The humans excel in all and their cultures and population grow rapidly.
  • 1789 The Dwarves awake from their slumber.
  • 3174 The Druid council is formed in the North.
  • 4134 TM The Empire of Ish (called the Ishian Empire in the North) is formed in what becomes known as the Southlands. The first emperor of Ish is Da’atra Tiria. The Tiria family still rules in Ish now.
  • 4467 The city of Selardor is built. It is ruled by Adomar Aradan.
  • 4526 Olaekin Baleband is born.
  • 4558 Olaekin Baleband has conquered most of the North as a warlord, and builds the city of Pardalor.
  • 4629 The Mages of the West are formed. Ruled by three wizards they congregate in a large keep( Keep of Ismaren in the Misty Moor, later called the Miragol Swamp) along the Western coast (Above the Vale of current times). Distrusted, they spend most of their time in solitude.
  • 4656 Strange stories come from Pardalor. Stories of Orovari, orlocks, and goblins openly entering the town. The Orovari migrate north to the lands of Uthgard. House Ka’Dail begins to unite the tribes of Orovari. Questions about the King, Olaekin Baleband begin to arise. His unnaturally long life ( currently 130 years) and his seclusiveness earn distrust within those of the kingdom. He is also rumored to be a practitioner of black arts.
  • 4695 Emperor Kalah of the Ish bans the use of books. During this time many of the ancient texts and tomes are burnt. He also empowers the people of the Jaldur desert, promising them their own nation if they rid the Wildelands of the elves. This leads to a genocide of the wild elves and though they finally push back and defeat the Jaldurians, they are left weakened and forever scarred.
  • 4735 Some Mages split from from the keep and form the tower of Eredar in the east. The first archeons are trained to keep a watch on the powers of mages.
  • 5054 Uthgard begins its war to control Atheles (The Great War, The Aradan War)
  • 5057 Small border skirmishes between the Ishian Empire and Endamas begin.
  • 5059 The Ishian Empire begins invading the Westlands.
  • 5069 Olaekin Baleband, now known as the Warlock-King, defeats a large force of the Ishian Empire’s Army.
  • 5073 The Ishian Empire, worn down by years of war, pull their troops back and fortify their borders. The elves stop their war, the high elves retreating into their forest and some of the grey elves and wood elves that are left lend their aid to Selardor.
  • 5075 The Warlock-king and his armies march on Selardor itself.
  • 5082 Selardor (Capital city of Aradan) is destroyed. The city is evacuated, including the king’s newlywed wife and his son. Aeerumar Aradan, last king of Selar Dor is slain by one of his advisors, Caroth. Uthgard uses an artifact to open a rift from the battlefield into the heart of the city, insuring victory.
  • 5086 War on the West is declared by the Warlock King and his kingdom Uthgard
  • 5087 Bordon repels Uthgard’s forces
  • 5090 Invasion of Norhan (Northlands) almost reaches Seahaven and is repelled. Uthgard retreats and there is an uneasy peace for years.
  • 5132 Second invasion by Uthgard. Seahaven and Bordon, with the help of the Ishian Empire push back the forces of Uthgard and the Warlock King is slain. He uses devastating magic again, ruining the Eastlands. The Disappearance happens.

The Fourth Age

  • 5280 Years of hardship follow as the remnants of the Uthgard army are still strong and cause problems all along the North and Westlands. The Ishian Empire becomes solitary, allowing no traffic to and from their country. The process of rebuilding and relearning is slow.
  • 5368 Empire of Zhouyin invade over the sea. Tyr falls under control of their empire. Lands of the Eastlands (Old Aradan and Uthgard) fall under the control of Zhouyin.
  • 5402 The beginning of the Plague. The Zhouyin Empire falls in disarray. Many return back over the sea, and have not been heard from since.
  • 5414 Knights of the White Eagle rise to power in the Northwest. They use their religious zealotry to sway people’s emotions during the outbreak of the second Plague.
  • 5555 Fall of Grace of the Knights and their Church. Still powerful, but no longer in direct control of the Northan kingdom.
  • 5629 The Third plague ravages Atheles, leaving the cities and kingdoms separated and superstitious.
  • 5677 The first recorded instances of the Return.
  • 5683 The Dark Return. Magic flows through the lands. Demons return to the murky forests. Long lost tribes appear on the horizon. Wars break out dubbed the Return Wars.
  • 5684 The Return Wars end in the winter. 
  • 5685 The lands struggle to keep an uneasy peace. Norhan solidifies its rule of the northlands. Uthgard and Tiren sign an alliance which offers trade to all in the East. The Westlands settle back into comfortable city states looking to Bordon for leadership, but they do not swear fealty. The Ishian Empire opens its borders and allows small bits of traffic. 
  • 5698 South Keep, once a single fortress outpost along the Ishian border, starts to become a well known trade town in the West.
  • 5707 Current day.




Government: Military Regional

Economic System: Capitalism with heavy taxes

Population: Moderate, Dense

Notable NPC’s:

Notable Places: Tir (Tyr), Kamric, Harun, Dorn

Cariek, Arun

Ruled by region, sultans. Sultans are appointed from the military.  The military is the Vicaries.

Exports : Wine, granite, textiles, 

Magic: Open

The good: tolerant of religions, race, and culture. Gender equality

The bad: violent culture. Sports and entertainment are violence oriented. War is a cultural imperative. 


Tiren, the Kingdom of the rising sun, dominates the coastal region of the Eastlands. Its vast landscape is populated by many peoples, each governed as a small kingdom ruled by a militarily elected sultan.

The country is rich and its people live in comfort compared to some other regions. Engineering and mathematics are considered as holy as the gods, making cities and towns well designed, clean, and efficient. Laws are fair, but strict, with a constitutionally built judicial and punishment system. 

Most of the people are of a darker brown complection, with dark straight hair. They favor light clothing made of silks and linen, though in winter furs and leather are common. The men favor a look with a long mustache, while women favor dark eye make ups and braided hair. All wear large wrapped fabric headpieces, often adorned with silver or gem jewelry. 

The culture is healthy, as must have a balanced diet due to well established trade route throughout the realm. 

Tyrians are also known for their sailing, and they trade all across Atheles

From Jarin Plainswalker


This Kingdom has formed since the era of Aradan and is quite strong. It controls the access to the sea and has a brisk trade with the Far eastern lands.

Of note, the kingdom of Tiren is the only place in the east that a settlement of Elves live, though the exact location of this city is unknown. The small city is build among the cliffs and views the Inner Sea. This is in honor of Dalimar Gorfiriand, who led the elves against Kaldrath and helped lock him away. The prison was locked by the five Fengal Stones, one of which was given to Dalimar, who then went across the Inner Sea to safe guard the lands of the west.



  • 4276 A warlord, Tyrimous, leads a strong calvary starts to bring together the small kingdoms of the northeast.
  • 4285 Tyrimous officially forges the coastal nation of Tiren.
  • 5368 Empire of Zhouyin invade over the sea. 
  • 5370 Tyr falls under control of their empire. 
  • 5379Lands of the Eastlands (Old Aradan and Uthgard) fall under the control of Zhouyin.
  • 5402 The beginning of the Plague. The Zhouyin Empire falls in disarray. Many return back over the sea, and have not been heard from since.
  • 5519 A peaceful trade contract is signed between Tiren and Zhouyin.
  • 5629 The Third plague ravages Atheles, leaving the cities and kingdoms separated and superstitious
  • 5647 In a bid to consolidate power, Sultan Emel declares war against the city states of Uthgard and the Free Cities.
  • 5656 Sultan Emel dies in his sleep, the other sultans declare peace.
  • 5711 Current day.

Toryn Ninefingers

Toryn is a significant historical hero of Uteria. Losing his parents to superstitious townspeople when he was a child set him on the path of a vagrant. The homeless musician who raised him set him on the path of a traveling minstrel.

In a world divided by people who would abuse magic on the one hand, and superstitious people who would destroy all magic on the other, Toryn’s life work is devoted to learning the truth, and to spreading that truth through music, magic, and storytelling.

Read more about Toryn in the fiction story by Dane Clark Collins: Crossroads of the Never.


RPG Trap Rules

Searching for Traps:

Player rolls an Awareness check.

  • Must declare a search for traps BEFORE using an item (door, lock, chest, etc.)
  • Must declare a search BEFORE moving into a new area (room, hallway, etc.)
  • During combat, a trap search counts as one full action. Search is a 10? radius from the adventurer.



This is a strong metal which has come into more common use in the fourth age. It is moderately rare and expensive, but is not as rare as amarnium. It takes a master blacksmith to work with this metal. Its color is a lustrous silver, and resists corrosion and damage. It does not interfere with magic.

HP: 40 per inch (armor or weapons made of tritium have x2 normal HP)

Hardness: 20

Other Bonuses: Tritium armor gains DR 1

All tritium items are considered masterwork.


Type of Adamantine Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +60 gp
Light armor +5,000 gp
Medium armor +10,000 gp
Heavy armor +15,000 gp
Weapon +3,000 gp
Shield +2,000 gp


Unelesia Church

There are many churches throughout the lands, but the one most are familiar with is the Unelesian Church, or Church of the One. The Unelesia Church rose in favor after the Great War. The world was suffering, and it gave hope. It told people that with faith and good deeds, your afterlife would be better than life on Uteria. It grew in power and influence swiftly, and became opulent and ritualistic. Then, as the plagues began to ravage the lands, its centralized power weakened and the Church became regional, with each sect having its own set of beliefs.

The Valetta region of the  Church saw evil and Kaldrath around all dark corners and persecuted those who they saw as colluding with evil. The Endamas Church was separated from the more strict northern sects and became tolerant and open to the populace.

Now that magic has reemerged, each branch of the Church is struggling to cope with something that complicates their views of faith and spirit.

In the Endamas region of the world, the Unelesia of those regions has welcomed in some of the “blessed.” In Ferryport, they have even opened up part of their school to devote to those given the gifts of the Creator.


Unsere, the “Red Moon of Magic,” disappeared at the same time that magic left Uteria. The red moon’s return predated the return of magic by roughly 100, or three generations.

The moon has become associated with magic, not because of a direct, measurable affect on magic, but because it is on nights that the red moon is full that the strangest happenings occurs.

The red moon has little noticeable effect on the tides, leading many scholars to believe that the moon exists in both Uteria and the Navirim. This, they claim, could explain its red appearance, its gravitational weakness, and its association with magic and strangeness.
