The common way to describe the wanderlust that an Elfling (Alfiren) gets that leads him to leave the Vale.
The Dark Return – Encyclopedia
From the Encyclopedia of Atheles, 5695 CE (Common Era)
It has long been the tradition of the Druids to keep a record of the world as the ages pass. During the dark times, the Druidic order suffered and since so few of us wandered the lands, much of our contemporary history has been lost.
The world of Atheles has long suffered in darkness and gloom. Hundreds of years of plague have diminished its inhabitants in both number and spirit. A savage war of generations past ravaged the land with dark magics, and the world has never recovered. Long have the people endured this curse, burdened by the fears of ancient myths and legends.
The kingdoms of old have crumbled, leaving behind city states and large tracts of unclaimed lands. In the East the land is harsh and twisted, the remnants of the dark sorcery that had been used in the Aradan War have left the lands almost uninhabitable, save for small pockets of civilization. In the west, in the wake of the plagues, people had become isolated and exclusive. Fear has driven people to be wary of anyone or anything new. Their superstitions have lead to witch hunts and lynching of those believed to use magic. People have become so down trodden that even their belief in higher powers has fallen to little more than lip service.
But all of that has begun to change in the last 20 years. Children are showing the ability to use magic. Real magic. The elves have started to come out of their forests and having limited interactions with others. The dwarves have begun to trade again, traveling the roads plying their mechanical and trade works. And whispers of dark powers, heroes, and a new dawn have begun to creep into this rain soaked and gray world.
Here I hope to chronicle the events as this new age enters Atheles.
High Druid of the West – Irphazan Adrastia
Year 5695 of the Fourth Age of Atheles
Encyclopedia Tomes
- Eastland Tables: Weather and encounter
- Kowal Lifepath
The Den
The Den is the nickname for the Wanderers Hall in Kowal. The guildmaster in Kowal is Martyn Czemiel, a charismatic, if flamboyant man. His lieutenant is Garric Loshuul a quiet but friendly man. Both have retired from “the road” and happily help others find their calling in the wilds.
The Den is a welcoming place, everything inside made of old polished wood, and the fire is always burning. If you have a Wanderers Coin, then you are always welcome, and there is plenty of space in the common room or the upstairs to pass the cold Kowal nights.
Some say that there are a couple of secret passages in the den that lead not just into the sewers of Kowal, but deeper, into the darker underpass of Atheles. Of course, Martyn and Garric just laugh when anyone asks about them.
The Den – First Floor
The Dwarven Home
A Famous Dwarven Traveling Song.
”O the mountains of Greyhelm Deep,
Where many a dwarf his treasure doth keep,
Gold and gems, axe and ale,
May the walls of the dwarves never fail,
O how I long to see the halls,
And hear the ringing hammer falls,
To see the skill in steel and stone,
The mountains of Greyhelm call me home!
But the path ahead is straight and long,
And far away where I belong.
O the mountains of Greyhelm Deep,
Where many a dwarf his treasure doth keep!
O’ to be home in Greyhelm Deep,
No greater treasure do I seek!”
The Hovel
The meeting hall for the Wanderers, lovingly called the Hovel, is nothing short of a pieced together fortress in its own right. Originally the Wanderers used a small one story building as its headquarters, but over the years, they have purchased the surrounding properties, building and renovating until it has become a massive complex of varying levels, alleys, and courtyards. If you are a Wanderer, there is always a place to stay in the myriad of rooms in the Hovel.
The Lands
Atheles is a large world, filled with diverse people, plants, and animals. It is commonly divided into the four lands, but many kingdoms, empires and wilderness stretch over these common boundaries.
The continent most explored is Atheles. It is divided into the Northlands, Eastlands, Southlands, and Westlands.
Guide to the Lands:
The Market
Though there are markets and shops throughout the Ferryport district, the large Market Square dominates the center. It is open day and night, with one merchant replacing another as they take shifts selling their wares.
The Muddy Bank Ship Company
Led by Betrice Almorrow, the Muddy Bank Ship Company has flourished under her. It had always been one of the smallest merchant companies in the city, but Betrice has aggressively pursued all paths to bigger profits. She has formed many connections in Jaeldor and hopes to open a sister office in the large city.