
The Sworn are a society that stretch across the known lands of Atheles Their creed says that they are a brotherhood of men, who look to improve culture and society in the world around them. Some believe the Sworn are a secret society that is vying for a new world order. They say the Sworn believe that the old ways have led inevitably toward war and destruction, and they want to lead Atheles into a new, brighter age. While some of its members openly speak of their allegiance to the Sworn, many others keep their loyalty secret.

Their symbol is a five pointed star with a hammer and sword in front. Their temples, which can be found in all major cities, are adorned with this mark. While they outwardly claim that anyone can become a member, few advance to their higher ranks.



Tain is a tall man, standing high above the heads of the Ferryport crowds. His closely cropped blonde hair is thick, with a slight curl. He wears a beard in the style of the men of Mideon, though his is better maintained than most from the North. His blue eyes radiate kindness, and his face splits into a wide grin when he smiles, making many feel at ease around him.


Tain is a Druid of the Northern Council. He was sent to Ferryport by the Arch Druid to aid in the transition between powers. He is a guest of Silas Monta and is often seen traveling with the guildmaster to important meetings.


Tain has found a good man in Silas, and hopes to help him build a stable government in Ferryport. He has also begun establishing a druid Grove in or near the city.

Tale of Arrington

Oric – Son of Aeric and Iyana

When he was young he split time between his parents, so he grew up half in the court and half on the farm. When he was 17 his mother was killed in a raid from a northern state, and he left the duchy to travel. His father sent many scouts to find him, but with no luck. Oric struggled with his heritage. The human side kept him near civilization and the faunish side led him to trouble with what he considered strict laws. After he left his father’s lands he became a traveler, trying his hand at many trades, from a caravan guard to a seller of wares as a traveling merchant. He settled in Bordon for a while, spending his time as a bartender at a large tavern in the center of the city. During this time, the city was attacked by a large force of orlocks. The pass that Bordon guarded was one of the largest between the eastern and western lands and has always been contested. During the battle Oric went to the wounded and healed them with song and what little herb he had. He had learned much from his mother and his healing skills were better than any others in the city. He healed a grievous wound that a Lord’s son had received and with this attracted the attention of the lords of the city. There he met blonde haired Elana, 2nd daughter of the High Lord. There he also met Dergin, a dwarf and architect who was advising the king on defense of the city. Oric and Dergin were to become lifelong friends. After the battle, High Lord Borniel decided to build the now famous outer wall. Dergin was to travel back to Greyhelm to enlist the service of others to build this architectural feat.

Oric traveled with Dergin to Greyhelm, and during the trip they were attacked by orlocks and mountain ogres. Oric was captured and enslaved for 3 years. Dergin abandoned the project of the outer wall and looked for his friend with the help of those from Bordon. The orlocks became more and more bold during this time, which led to a campaign against them from both Bordon and Greyhelm. The dwarves raided one of the larger mountain homes of the orlocks and Oric was found and freed. He traveled north immediately to see Elana again, and found that Bordon was still hard pressed by not only the orlocks, but also from states in the north. Dergin was at Bordon and has well relieved to see him. During this time, troops arrived from Orics homeland to support bordon and he was recognized and revealed as the son of Aeric. After the battle was won, Oric took the hand of Elana and moved back to his home.

The Story of the Duchy of Arrington

In the borderlands, all are trained in riding and combat and Orana excelled at both. Much to her parents dismay, she insisted in often riding on patrol or out on her own. Oric, with his own willfulness in his part, was forced to understand her needs, but this did not stop his worrying. The orolcks of — were also aware of Orana’s want to ride, and one day ambushed and kidnapped her.They took her to the far north in hopes of luring Oric deep into Orovari lands. On Elric’s 5th birthday Oric rode out with a company of men to find Orana. He searched through the disputed lands, and beyond the lands of— into the frozen north. There he was assaulted and his main force was slaughtered, and Oric was pulled unconscious from the fight by one of his personal guards. They rode into the mountains to rest and heal. During this time, Elana worried for her daughter and husband and became very sick. Seeing Elana’s sickness, Dergin, who was visiting from the work in Bordon, rode out with a small company of dwarves to bring Oric back. Oric and the few of his company who were left became like wildmen, hiding and ambushing the orlocks and Orovari whenever possible, always searching for clues for his daughters location. Dergin would often find the aftermath of Oric’s battles, but never Oric.

Elric turns 13, and during this time, Dergin finds Oric’s encampment and tells him of Elana’s sickness. During the trip home, Oric is slain by an arrow. Dergin escapes with the body, and when he returns he finds Elana on her deathbed and Iyana raising Elric as well as running the duchy. Elana passes away and is cremated with Oric. Aeric swears vengeance on the orlocks.

Iyana rules the duchy with the help of Dergin and her lifelong friend Rolind. At 16, Aeric inherits his father’s sword and bow. He plans to ride out with Rolind and others in search of Orana and to avenge his parents death. During this time, Ashandra the dark lady of Othule sends forth troops into the Southeast and fortifies her borders.

Elric has Dergin forged a helm of horrific countenance and renames his sword Vengeance. Dergin, though holding inner doubt, forges the helm in an understanding of the loss that Elric has suffered. After Elric and company ride out Dergin regrets aiding in his quest for revenge.

Once arriving in the north, Elric’s band struck out against Ashandra’s troops in small raids and became feared. While she tried to fortify her borders and perform raids on the Aradan kingdom, she was constantly distracted by Elric’s raids in the north. She sent many troops to find him, but they came back empty handed or never returned. As time went on he became more and more bloodthirsty, sometimes raiding orlock towns and slaying everyone from elders to children. Rolind became worried and counseled him against his anger but Elric didn’t listen and many of his band left including Rolind. Four years later at the age of 21, Elric found an orc slave camp and there he found his sister, who had been blinded by her captures during the years of hard work. She did not recognize Elric because of his rage and she fled from him. As she fled she fell into the quarry that she had been forced to work in. Elric buried her and blaming himself, renamed himself Ogrom, the Cursed, and led his now small band into many suicidal battles against the people of the north. Many who stayed with him were new recruits and were more bandits than soldiers. They stayed with Ogrom for the riches that they plundered. Others joined who opposed King Baleband’s rule of the north. They started a stronghold deep in the forests.

In the south, Ashandra and Baleband’s army pressed hard on Iyana’s duchy and at length the capital city of Arrington was besieged. During the deep winter the walls were breached, but Rolind’s return came in time to rout the seiging army and Iyana and Dergin led many to escape. With Rolind’s forces defending the wounded and fleeing, they found shelter in the southern duchy of Heulorn and there they were aided by troops from Seladar.

In the north, the servants of Ashandra lit fire to the woods trying to find Ogrom’s stronghold. The stronghold was destroyed and many of Ogrom’s men died in the wildfire. Ogrom himself was burned severely and many thought he perished. Without his men, Ogrom wandered east and was found by the Kloyan tribe of fauns. While being tended and healer he learned of the fall of Arrington and of the southern invasion. He tried to convince the fauns to follow him south to war. The fauns disliking violence and war, and also trusting in their hidden vale, did not want to join in the war. Once healed, Ogrom set out alone and struck out whenever he could against Ashandras forces. This attracted her generals attention to the area, and while looking for Ogrom, they found the Vale of the fauns and the Kloyan were forced to defend their homes. Ogrom returned to help the Kloyan, but the battle was lost and they fled south. Ogrom and a small band of faun stayed and protected the rear. He was wounded once again, by a vicious sword slash across his ribs by an orlock. They eluded the pursuing troops and Ogrom was tended by a faun named Era. As they spent time together they began to love each other. Her father disapproved of the affection between the two. Her tenderness caused Ogroms heart to soften and even his scarred faced began to look less grim. When they arrived in the duchy of Heulorn, they were surrounded by the army of Aradan. To allow passage and show that they were allies, Ogrom revealed himself as Elric. Iyana was called forth to confirm this claim and for the first time in many years they were reunited. He told Iyana of all he saw in the north and of the fall of his sister. Iyana did not blame Ogrom, but comforted him.

From then on Ogrom led groups of Aradan soldiers into the northern battles and recaptured the duchy and the lands of the Kloyans. Elric took the throne of Arrington and ruled the northern part of the duchywith Era, while Iyana and Rolind ruled the southern part.

Ogrom and Era had a single son and named him Dergin I. Ogrom taught him not only the ways of battle, but also of peace and meditation. He did not want his son to grow up in the way that he had. Dergin grew up to be a wise and strong leader.

Orani was born to Iyana and Rolind in the year after. She took the throne at the age of thirty two. Her great grandmother’s blood was strong in her and the lands around the castle thrived and flourished. The defilement of the invading army was cleansed to a point and the lands became green again. During her reign, the servants of Pardalor did not ever gain a foothold and were repelled time and again. Seladar sent many troops to help and that is how she met Numen, a lordson of the southern realms. He was enchanted by her ways with the land and he laid down his sword to become a healer.


Talents are special abilities a character might be born with or gain through training. Unlike “abilities,” talents are not ranked; either a character has a specific talent or they do not. A player has 2 points to spend on initial talents when creating their character. The cost for each talent is shown in parentheses beside each description. As characters go up in level, they gain one or two additional talent points every few levels, depending upon their class (see leveling tables under each class description for specifics). These points can be spent right away or saved up and spent on a higher-cost talent later on.


  1. Advantage (2) – Once per game day, you put all your focus into making the best of a situation. You roll 2d20 and pick the result you want.
  2. Agile (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all Acrobatic, Thievery, and DEX checks.
  3. Alertness (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all Awareness and WIS checks.
  4. Animal Affinity (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all Persuasion checks with animals.
  5. Animal Companion (1) – The character has an animal follower that is loyal and understands the character’s commands. The animal is typical of its species but can improve as the character gains experience.
  6. Blind Fight (1) – In melee, any time you miss because of Concealment you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to see if you actually hit. An Invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting you in melee. That is, you don’t lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn’t get the usual +2 bonus for being Invisible. The Invisible attacker’s bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however.
  7. Call of Nature (1) – You have an affinity with nature. You can calm animals with a CHA check, you leave no tracks in natural environments, and are unhindered by natural undergrowth.
  8. Cleave (2) – If you deal a creature enough damage to make it Disabled (typically by dropping it to below zero hit points or killing it), you get an immediate, extra melee attack against another creature within reach. You cannot take a 5’ step before making this extra attack. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous creature. You can use this ability once per round.
  9. Deceitful (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all Persuasion checks concerning disguise, forgery, or lying.
  10. Deflect Arrows (2) – You must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use this feat. Once per round when you would normally be hit by a ranged weapon, you can deflect it so that you take no damage. You must be aware of the attack and not Flat-footed. It is handled like a Heroic Action, but attempting to deflect a ranged weapon doesn’t count as an action. Unusually large ranged weapons and ranged attacks generated by spell effects can’t be deflected.
  11. Disperse Magic (2) – Once per round when you would normally be affected by magic you can negate it so that you take no damage. You must be aware of the attack and not Flat-footed. It is handled like a Heroic Action. Attempting to Disperse Magic doesn’t count as an action.
  12. Dodge (1) – You receive a +1 bonus to your AC.
  13. Dual Wield (2) – You can fight with two weapons with a penalty of -1 to hit on your primary weapon and -2 to hit on your off-hand weapon.
  14. Empower Spell (1) – You spend one mana to add a 1d6 to your spell’s dice roll.
  15. Enlarge Spell (1) – You can double the range of spells by doubling the mana.
  16. Exotic Weapon Proficiency (1) – You are proficient with one exotic weapon.
  17. Expanded Critical (1) – Add one to your potential critical range for all weapons.
  18. Far Shot (2) – When you use a projectile weapon, such as a bow, its range increment increases by one-half (multiply by 1.5). When you use a thrown weapon, its range increment is doubled.
  19. Focused Ravaging (1) – A ravaging spellcaster can focus where their energy comes from, dealing the spell’s mana cost in damage to the target. Range 30’. The caster must succeed at a Heroic Action vs the target (Spellcraft skill vs Will save), otherwise the energy comes from the spellcaster.
  20. Great Fortitude (1) – You can add +2 bonus to  all Fortitude checks.
  21. Healing (1) – You can take a round to bind an injury (the target gains back +1 HP). During rest a healer can use their abilities to allow other characters gain back double the normal hit points.
  22. Investigator (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all Awareness and WIS checks.
  23. Improved Initiative (1) – You get a +2 bonus to your initiative.
  24. Lightning Reflexes (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all Reflex saving throws.
  25. Magical Aptitude (1) – You get a +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks.
  26. Maximize Spell (2) – You can triple the mana for a spell and all numeric effects of that spell are maximized.
  27. Multi-Shot (2) – As a standard action, you can fire two arrows at the same time in a single shot at a single opponent within 60’. Both arrows use the same attack roll (with a -2 penalty) to determine success and deal damage normally.
  28. Mythic Heroic Action (3) – You get a +2 bonus to any Heroic Action.
  29. Negotiator (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all CHA and Persuasion checks.
  30. Over-Extended Attack (1) – You add an additional 1d6 damage to a successful melee hit, but you also receive the same damage as you strain your body in the attack.
  31. Parry (2) – Once per round, if you would normally be hit with a melee weapon you can parry it so that you take no damage. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. It is handled like a Heroic Action, but attempting to parry a melee weapon doesn’t count as an action.
  32. Perform (1) – The adventurer is skilled in a form of entertainment. It can be used to distract, encourage, or enchant others.
  33. Powerful (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all Athletics and STR skill checks.
  34. Rapid shot (2) – You gain one more attack with a ranged weapon. The additional attack is at your highest attack bonus -2.
  35. Run (1) – Three times per combat, as a single Move Action per round, you can move double your normal speed with no disadvantage. While running, you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC.
  36. Shield Bash (1) – As an action, which does not count as an attack, you can attempt to knock prone an adjacent opponent with a Heroic Action. If successful, it also does 1d4 damage.
  37. Sidestep (1) – If your opponent misses you with an attack, you can move 5’ afterwards.
  38. Skilled (1) – You receive two extra skill points.
  39. Spell Mastery (2) – You get a +3 bonus to all Spellcraft checks.
  40. Spell Resistance (1) – You get a +3 to all saves vs. magic.
  41. Stealthy (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all DEX checks, which include hiding and/or moving silently.
  42. Studious (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all Knowledge and INT checks.
  43. Stunning Strike (1) – You take a -5 to attack, but if your attack hits your opponent is Stunned for one round.
  44. Survivalist (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all Survival and WIS checks.
  45. Take a Hit (1) – You can take a hit and suffer less damage. Damage Reduction (DR) -1.
  46. Tenacity (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all Endurance and CON checks.
  47. Unbreakable Will (1) – You get a +2 bonus to all Will saving throws.
  48. Weapon Dexterity (1) – You can use your DEX bonus on small and medium melee weapons as your To Hit bonus.
  49. Weapon Specialty (1) – You can choose a weapon with which you are specialized, gaining a +1 bonus to all attack and damage rolls made using that weapon. Weapon choice cannot be changed.
  50. Whirlwind Attack (2) – Once per round, you can attack all of those within reach with your full base attack bonus. Dice are rolled for each target attacked, and each target after the first gets an additional -1 to the attack roll.
  51. Wild Empathy (1) – You can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Persuasion check made to improve the attitude of a person.
  52. Weapon Specialty – You may choose a weapon and gain +1 to the attack and +1 to damage.
  53. Wild Empathy –  You improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Persuasion check made to improve the attitude of a person.
  54. Whirlwind Attack (2) – Once per round, you can attack all of those within reach with your full base attack bonus. Dice are rolled for each target attacked, and each target after the first gets an additional -1 to the attack roll.



Outside the city of Kowal, there is a settlement of elflings. The elflings have built their buildings among the tall trees here in a mish mosh of styles and sizes. The one unifying thing is every building is decorated with plants and flowers. This creates an enchanting effect as the whole settlement changes with the seasons. In fact its name came from how elflings often referred to it. When asked where they lived, they said “Over there, in the tall garden.”

In the center of town is a project that has been evolving, or “living” as the elflings refer to it for as long as the settlement has existed. It is part community garden, part sculpture. It climbs and meanders up into the sky, almost as tall as the trees that surround it.

Tallgarden’s main export is honey, and people come for miles around to get it. The elflings take all manner of trade and payment for their honey, from gold coin to exotic flower seeds!

Tallgarden is located less than half a days march from Kowal, to the West. 

People of Interest

Grandmother Jynnxennlya Krythixynn


Grandfather Kragmaddler Wondybblephax


Tarsis was once part of the Aradan kingdom, but after its fall, was adopted into Tiren. The town struggles as very little trade comes through it, and sitting on the edge of the lands ravaged by the Great War has very little safe farmland.

  • Statistics: Crime 7; Danger 7; Economy 4; Law 4; Knowledge 3; Magic 2
  • Highest Stat is 10, lowest 1 
  • Size:Large Town
  • Government: Monarchy
  • Economic System: Capitalist
  • Population: 3800 (85% Human, 10% Dwarf, 3% Half Dwarf, 2% Other)

Notable NPC’s:

Sultan Tarkan – A fat, lazy, corrupt man. He wants nothing more than to sit in his palace and eat and drink


Notable Places:


  1. Sultan’s Palace
  2. The Grand Cathedral – Polythesia Church
  3. Wallside Inn
  4. The Ceaseless Bizarre
  5. The Tritium Wheel (Brothel)
  6. Steeple Bench (Blacksmith)
  7. Volen’s (Alchemist)
  8. Bilga’s Haul (General Store)
  9. Many Stars Glass
  10. Corner Square Inn

Task Board

  • Please Reference the Expedition Reports on our Discord.

Tendril Wurm

Tendril Wurm

Challenge Rating: 5

Size: Medium

Type: Animal

Initiative: +1



Hit Points: 34 (4HD)

Armor Class: AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed  14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural)

Saves: Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +2

Weaknesses: –



Speed: Speed 5′ on land, swim 30′

Base Attack: +2

Melee: Melee 6 tendrils per round +5 (1d4+3 plus grab), bite +5 (1d6+3 only if in Feeding Grip)

Special Attacks: Feeding Grip

Sanity Effects: –



Abilities: STR 16, DEX 15 , CON 16, INT 1, WIS 12, CHA 2

Skills: Acrobatics +2, Athletics +3,  Awareness +5, Endurance +3, Knowledge –, Persuasion –, Spellcraft +1 , Survival +1, Thievery +5

Talents: Alertness, Stealthy

Special Qualities: Can breathe underwater



Environment: Temperate rivers and Swamps

Organization: Solitary, clutch (1-6 young, 1 Mother)


Treasure: None


Feeding Grip

When attempting to grip a medium-sized or smaller creature, the wurm rolls against its opponent’s touch AC to encircle it with one or more tendrils. A successful hit means it has wrapped its tendril around the creature. It has 6 tendrils, which can each make an attack on a single target or multiple targets. When attacking creatures its size or smaller, if a tendril wurm hits its foe with two or more tendrils it can perform a Feeding Grip, attempting to pull the creature into its many-toothed maw. It must make a Heroic Action (STR). If successful, the creature is drawn into its maw, where the wurm inflicts bite damage and maintains its grapple. It cannot swallow human-sized creatures whole, since its mouth is not big enough, however it can

Tentacle Crawler

Tentacus Scavana is what the scholars call the tentacle crawler, but most care not for it or its name. This large segmented insect is feared in all the dark places of the world.


A tentacle crawler looks like a giant centipede with five octopus like tentacles emerging from it’s head. It roams the darkness in search of prey, using its tentacles to grapple it while it stings with its barbed tail.

Tentacle Crawler

Challenge Rating: 4

Size: Huge

Type: Vermin

Initiative: +0



Hit Points: 42 (5d8 +20)

Armor Class: 18, touch 10, flat footed 16 (+8 natural armor, -2 size, +2 dex)

Saves: Fort +11 Ref +2 Will +1



Speed: 40 ft., climb 40 ft.

Base Attack: +3

Melee:  Bite +8 (1d6+9 plus grab), tail sting +8 (1d6+9 plus poison)

Ranged: –

Special Attacks: Constrict (1d4+6), poison

Sanity Effects: First Encounter 1/1d4



Abilities: STR 28, DEX 13, CON 19, INT –, WIS 11, CHA 2

Skills: Acrobatics, +1 Athletics, +5 Awareness, Endurance, Knowledge, Persuasion, Spellcraft, Survival, +2 Thievery

Talents: –

Special Qualities: darkvision 60’



Environment: subterranean, sewer, swamp

Organization: Solitary


Treasure: Standard



Sting – injury; save Fort DC 16; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d3 Strength damage; cure 1 save.



If the tentacle crawler successfully lands a bite attack, it deals 1d6+9 damage, and using its tentacles, attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. It may only grab Large or smaller opponents. The crawler must succeed at a heroic action to grapple an opponent. A successful hold does not deal any extra damage, but when grappled an opponent loses their dexterity bonus.