Sanrin Delorif

Sanrin Delorif is the leader of a group of religious fanatics who roam the countrysides hunting demons.

His Story:

As a child, Sanrin was raised to observe strict religious practices which included suffering and occasional blood sacrifice. Ferryport forbade human sacrifice, so animals were used, and there were rumors regarding a couple of disappearances before he was born.

A ritual of suffering was to be endured by every child at his or her coming of age. Sanrin was the eldest of three children and came through this feeling stronger of faith. The middling child, however, was weaker of constitution and did not survive. The youngest did not make it to his coming of age ritual, as a plague swept through Ferryport and took him prematurely, along with many of the young children and elderly of the city.

His father was much older, and only four years after Sanrin’s coming of age, was not able to continue his duties as judge and sheriff of the south farms, and so Sanrin was raised to the position. He was a strict and pious judge, and many were beheaded. This was how he sacrificed to the gods within the bounds of Ferryport law, and thereby kept the town safe and prosperous. Times were tough, but as opposed to many neighboring areas, the people were well enough fed, and the plagues were minimal.

The people of Ferryport proper, however, were disturbed by the rural beheadings, especially as they increased in frequency, so they drafted legislation that banned execution by beheading (replacing it with hanging) and limiting execution to only extreme cases of murder and dark magic. This ended the age of blood sacrifice, and the town was promptly punished by the gods, or so it seemed to Sanrin, with the onslaught of strange demons from the forests, which claimed the lives of both people and livestock. Sanrin suspected a local hunter named Jass of bringing the curse to their village.

Sanrin and his wife were formally accused and the villagers demanded swift justice. They chased the couple into their house where they shut the doors for fortification, and then the men torched the place. Jass and his wife Renoira finally emerged, coughing, and were executed on the spot. Sanrin knew he couldn’t stop this blood thirst if he wanted to, so he decided to make it a new blood sacrifice and beheaded them both in violation of Ferryport law.

He fled his home immediately. For several years, he hunted, and as he traveled, he began hunting demons along his path, becoming a better hunter as he went. He felt as if his blood sacrifice of Jass had given him Jass’s natural hunting prowess. It was his calling to hunt these things. As he moved from town to town, he found others—frightened and able—to join his cause, and his following grew. By day they would train intensely, and by night they would hunt. As word spread, the legend of the Demon Stalkers grew.

Sarach Taras

Sarach Taras is an Ishian tavern. It is small compared to the other well-known taverns and inns of the district. It is known by many as a place to discover rare and hard-to-find items. The owner, Itasi, is a dark-skinned Ishian man and collector of strange relics and antiques. He owns an extensive library, allowing him to identify many otherwise unidentifiable items.






A large two legged lizard, it has been domesticated and used as a mount or pack animal in the warmer climates of Uteria.


Swift and agile, Saraps have been domesticated for use as a formidable transport. While these are quite loyal and tame, wild Saraps should be avoided at all costs, as they are quite deadly. In the wild, saraps are typically found in packs, or at least in pairs. Very rarely are they encountered individually. They hunt with extreme efficiency, using cunning tactics that indicate an intelligence beyond that of most animals.




Challenge Rating: 5

Size: Large

Type: Animal

Initiative: +7



Hit Points: 50 (4HD)

Armor Class: 10, touch 12, flat footed 15 (+3 dex, +6 natural armor, -1 size)

Saves: Fort +12 Ref +6 Will +3



Speed: 60ft

Base Attack: +3

Melee: 2 talons +9 (2d6+6), bite +9 (1d8+6), Foreclaws +7 (1d6+3)


Special Attacks: Pounce



Abilities: STR 28, DEX 13, CON 19, INT –, WIS 11, CHA 2

Skills: Acrobatics +1, Athletics +9,  Awareness +7, Endurance +4, Knowledge –, Persuasion –, Spellcraft –, Survival +0, Thievery +1

Talents: Dodge, Alertness

Special Qualities:Low Light Vision, Scent



Environment: Desert

Organization: Solitary, Pair, or pack (3-12)


Treasure: N/A


Sascha’s Storehouse

The Storehouse is the best place in Kowal to unload goods found in the ruins and wilds of Atheles. Its proprietor, Sascha, is well known to any adventurer in Kowal.

Sascha is an ex-adventurer, who settled Kowal from the far lands of northern Uthgard after meeting his wife. He doesn’t miss his adventuring days, “too much walking” he always says. But by running his “storehouse” he still gets to play with all the trinkets and toys the adventurers bring in to trade and sell.

He is very knowledgeable, but can be a little irritable, cursing at his patrons in the Uthgard language if they get out of hand or ask too much for a “bauble”.

He is a collector of games, loving to experience new ways to test his strategic mind.  The quickest way to this mans heart is a new game with good rules, and a glass of vanilla flavored liquor. Though watch out if the dice or games of chance are not going his way, prices may double on anything needed by those who best him in a game of chance.

Sascha owner of the Storehouse

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Sea Hag

Sea Hag

Challenge Rating: 4

Size: Medium

Type: Monstrous Humanoid

Initiative: +1



Hit Points: 19 (3HD)

Armor Class: 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+1 Dex, +3 natural)

Saves: Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +4

Weaknesses: –



Speed: 30ft, swim 40ft

Base Attack: +3

Melee: 2 claws +7 melee (1d4+4)

Special Attacks: Horrific appearance, evil eye

Sanity Effects: First Encounter 1/1d4



Abilities: STR 19, DEX 12, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 13, CHA 14

Skills: Acrobatics +1, Athletics +4,  Awareness +3, Endurance +1, Knowledge +0, Persuasion +2, Spellcraft +6, Survival +1, Thievery +1

Talents: 2 points or recommended: Alertness, Toughness

Special Qualities: Amphibious, spell resistance 14, darkvision 60’


Environment: Temperate Aquatic

Organization: Solitary or covey (3 hags of any kind plus 1-8 ogres and 1-4 evil giants)

Treasure: Standard



Although sea hags are aquatic, they can survive indefinitely on land.


Evil Eye

Three times per day, a sea hag can cast its dire gaze upon any single creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Will save or be dazed for three days, although remove curse or dispel evil can restore sanity sooner. In addition, an affected creature must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or die from fright. Creatures with immunity to fear effects are not affected by the sea hag’s evil eye. The save DCs are Charisma-based.


Horrific Appearance

The sight of a sea hag is so revolting that anyone (other than another hag) who sets eyes upon one must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or instantly be weakened, taking 2d6 points of Strength damage. This damage cannot reduce a victim’s Strength score below 0, but anyone reduced to Strength 0 is helpless. Creatures that are affected by this power or that successfully save against it cannot be affected again by the same hag’s horrific appearance for 24 hours.



  • Statistics: Crime 2; Danger 2; Economy 6; Law 8; Knowledge 5; Magic 5
  • Highest Stat is 10, lowest 1 
  • Size: Village
  • Government: Mayoral, Aristocracy
  • Economic System: Capitalist
  • Population: 89 (Diversity: 90% Human, 6% Elf, 3% Dwarf, 1% other)


Secton was once just Tower Six, one of the many guard towers along the borders of Kowal. Due to its location on the main road between Kowal and Fort Utliest, a small town sprang up next to it. After the great War and the Uthgard kingdom fell, the tower was no longer manned by soldiers, but the small town continued on. 

In current day it is a town in change again. The Uthgard kingdom in its alliance with Kowal, has marked Secton as a place of interest. Uthgard and the Unelesia Church have begun construction on a school for those touched by God and blessed with powers. The Red Dragoons have also started to build a Keep here to fortify the road to the north.

Some of the  old residents are unhappy about this, as they do not wigs to see their town change so much, while others see this expansion as a welcome growth. 

Notable NPC’s:

Mayor Margery Ellebeth – the elected mayor of the town, Margery has made the Kowal government happy with ridgid tax collections, but has also gained the love of her citizens as she has been very fair and honest with them. She is strict to the rule of law, but has a kind heart and may look the other way if her people need it. 

Lady Lanafar – Headmistress of the Divine Academy

Knight Hurst – the head of the Red Dragoons in Secton. He was appointed by the king to make the town and the school a stronghold for Uthgard

Notable Places:

Tower Market


  • Eva Harls – Blacksmith and weaponsmith
  • Gurdris Gemstone – Jeweler
  • Sol – Rye distiller
  • Margery Ellebeth – Carpenter
  • Theodoric Predrow – Book, map and paper seller


The Dusty Shield Inn

The innkeeper is a male dwarf named Kjorni. He was once an adventurer, but retired to marry and raise a family. He is married to Margery.

A large wood and stone building, it was once the barracks for the tower. Old shields of Uthgard and Kowal adorn its walls.



  • Roasted Mutton and Pinenut Bread, Tankard of Stout (9 cp)
  • Wheat Biscuits and Curd Cheese, Mug of Stout (2 cp)
  • Boiled Eggs and Oat Bread, Tankard of Ale (8 cp)
  • Vegetable Stew, Mug of Ale (5 cp)
  • Stewed Boar and Mushrooms, Tankard of Bitter (10 cp)
  • Stewed Deer and Barley Biscuits, Tankard of Stout (8 cp)
  • Salted Whitefish and Cabbage, Tankard of Beer (8 cp)

Other NPCs

  • Aledyn – A druid who is visiting the town to find out more about the school being built.
  • The Forgelighters – a feral elfling tribe. They are staying outside of town, but came in to trade.

Setting Sun Trade

Setting Sun is a newer company that controls most trade from Ferryport to the South Keep. It is run by a group of old mercenaries.

Shadows of the Swordspynes Adventurers

Helfen’s List of Adventurers

Past Adventurers:

  • Lisabeth –
  • Level 1 Bard
  • Discord: DnDungeonMaster

Lisabeth is an independent and inquisitive young woman who is trying to learn about the world and herself.

  • Marrik Stonesplitter
  • Level 1 Rogue
  • Discord: Lionheart the 1st

I am a grizzled and scarred Half Dwarf, with shoulder length black hair and a beard halfway down my chest. My blue eyes peer out from under thick black eyebrows. My nose has been broken multiple times, and there is a white streak through my beard where a scar runs from the edge of my mouth down to my neck.

I appear to be what a human would consider middle aged, and am 5’5″ in height. A keen observer would notice that I walk much lighter on my feet than any of my full-blooded Dwarven brethren. I wear cobbled together hide armor/clothes, and carry a pickaxe across my back.

My gruff/grouchy demeanor is not easy to be around. Mostly I attempt to keep quiet while spending time around others, but my deep angry voice issues forth short terse answers when forced into conversation.

  • Matrick
  • Level 1 Ranger
  • Discord: Joe Slucher#2310 

Despite his height of 6’4, Matrick, still looks more like a boy than a man at only 18 years of age. A gangly pencil-necked boy with a desperate attempt for a beard growing on his face and a head of hair that looks like a pile of springs that bounce wildly with every movement. His clothes are of good quality and designed for utility rather than appearance. He has a leather-wrapped notebook strapped to his thigh at all times. If you have seen him around town, he always seems to be in a hurry.

  • Ripley
  • Level 1 Wylder
  • Discord: Bludias

Human, Male, around 40 years. Wylder Battle Mage. For hire, but when the family calls for aid, will leave party for the time it takes to settle the need. Wanderer, doesn’t try to form lasting bonds but won’t deny them if they happen.

  • Tilda Ironforge
  • Level 1 Rogue
  • Discord

Tilda stands about two inches shy of five feet tall, with a ruddy brown complexion and shockingly bright blond hair. Her eyes are deep blue and have a perpetual look of sadness about them. She is well-muscled, especially about the arms that look to have been worked at a Dwarven Forge. She perpetually carries a forging hammer that looks older than she is.