Red Dagger

A newer gang of thieves and mercenaries, run by Geiron. They are more violent than the Companions, and actively clash with many of the other unlawful groups of Kowal. Their base is in the Squats.

They do not call themselves the “Red Dagger”, in fact Geiron hates the moniker, referring to himself and his followers as “family”. Hewas quoted as saying “A gang will knife each other in the back, their lot is less than a bag of shite. But a family, they are bound by blood. Those are the ones who look out for each other.”

The nickname was given to them from the city guard, as they left a trail of knife wounds and stabbings as they grew in power. While Geiron dislikes the name, the other members enjoy the fear such a violent symbol creates.


  • Geiron – Leader. “Father”
  • Faira – Lieutenant “Mother”
  • Neel
  • Chibs
  • Tooth
  • Deek
  • Leera
  • Tom
  • Petna
  • Leon
  • Zan

Red Dragoons

A specialist class of mounted infantry in the Uthgard army. They are directly under the control of the Holy Order of the Church. They are also known as the “Blades of God”.

Red Guard

Active 5685 – 5706

The Red Guard were formed from a faction of Kowal city guards loyal to a well respected guardsman named Damien. In the past 20 years, Damien has shaped the Red Guard into it’s own power within the city.

The Red Guard are strictly anti-magic and have lead hunts for magic users for the past 5 years, often ending in public executions.

Some feel the Red Guard are more powerful than the Baron in the current day, and the sight of their red armor sends many into a panic.

After 5706

In the Fall of 5706, the building was destroyed in what has been named the Catastrophe of the Greystone. Many different stories, from an explosion to a giant demon are reported to have caused this. After its fall, the Red Guard were disbanded.

Kowal became part of the Uthgard Kingdom and the Ministry of the Arts took over the building and began to rebuild it.

Red Howler

Red Howler

A large four legged creature stalks out from the shadows. Its yellow cat like eyes glow in the dim light. Red barbs create a deadly mane and run down its slender back. The moth parts in a growl, its white teeth stark against the black gums.


Red Howlers find their way into Atheles through breaks in the veil. They prowl the dark forests and wastes near where they came through. They are 8’ in length and weight in around 800 pounds. They have no language besides the growls of hunting and mating.

Red Howler

Challenge Rating: 3

Size: Large (8’)

Type: Navirite

Initiative: +7



Hit Points: 39 (6HD)

Armor Class: 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural)

Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7



Speed: 60’

Base Attack: +6

Melee: Bite +10 melee (2d8+5  Crit 19-20)

Ranged: –

Special Attacks: Quills, howl, trip



Abilities: STR 21, DEX 17, CON 15, INT 6, WIS 14, CHA 8

Skills: Acrobatics +4, Athletics +5,  Awareness +5, Endurance +2, Knowledge -3, Persuasion -1, Spellcraft -, Survival +2, Thievery +4

Talents: (3) Suggested: Alertness, Expanded Critical, Improved Initiative

Special Qualities: Darkvision 60’



Environment: Any close to ley lines or crossings.

Organization: Solitary, Pair, Pack (3-8)


Treasure: None


A red howler will attack from surprise, catching its prey off guard and immediately howling to try and daze them.



The quills that cover the howler damage anyone who they attack or attacks them with a non reach weapon, natural weapon, or unarmed strike. The quills do 1d4 damage. If the howler is attacking, the defender only suffers the quills if the howlers attack is successful.  If someone attacks with a close weapon, they automatically get struck by the quills. Anyone struck by the quills will find them lodged into their skin. To remove the quills, it takes a DC18 survival check or another 1d4 damage will be done to the wounded.




The howler may howl as an action, which dazes any within a 15’ radius. A DC 12 Will Save will negate.




A howler often tries to trip its opponent, pulling them to the ground. They receive a +2 bonus to a trip action, and is treated as a Heroic Action using the Howlers DEX bonus. If a defender fails, they become prone that round. A howler may attack after a trip attempt, but only if it has an extra action left.

Red Snapper

The best known brothel in the northern part of the city. Many of Ferryport’s secrets have passed through these doors. The building is painted with a loud assortment of colors, and the base of the building is a bright red. A sign with two large, seductive blue eyes hangs above the door, but all the locals call it the Red Snapper: a joke relating to a fish commonly caught in the local waters which is known for its large mouth. Mistress Pattaria currently runs the place, and though she looks to elevate herself and her ladies in the eyes of the city, she knows that her primary income comes from those of less power and money.


Redcap Redcap

Challenge Rating: 1

Size: S

Type: Navirite Fey

Initiative: 3



Hit Points: 5 (1d6+2)

Armor Class: 17, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size)

Saves: Fort 1 Ref 6 Will 2

Weaknesses: Cold iron


Speed: 20’

Base Attack: 0

Melee: Tiny Sword +5 (1d3 + poison)

Ranged: Tiny Spear +5 (1d3 + poison)

Special Attacks:

Sanity Effects: On First Encounter 1/1d3


Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11

Skills: Athletics 3 , Awareness 2, Endurance 1, Knowledge 0, Persuasion 3, Power 1, Survival 0, Thievery 4

Talents: Weapon Dexterity

Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 3/cold iron, Darkvision 60’


Environment: Any forest, cave, dungeon

Organization: Single, Pair, Band (3-6), Clan (8-16)

Treasure: Standard



Feyroot —injury; save Fort DC 11; frequency 1/round for 2 rounds; effect -1 CON damage; cure 1 save



The gods, deities and spirits of Uteria

Though every culture in Uteria views the dieities in different ways, we all share a common pantheon. According to some texts our beliefs were handed down from the Elves as we awakened beyond the animal mind. Others believe that the gods themselves gave us this knowledge.


Tanthias – God of Justice and Chivalry. Worshipped by many knights, paladins and most people of lawful good alignment. He is often depicted as an old wise man in a ornate robe or as a middle aged man with long moustache and full platemail. Inherited from the Elves.

The One- Also known as the Father, the Creator, or Kerlestrani. The one who began the universe and set the wheels of time in motion. Also created the other gods. Inherited from the Elves.

Arias – Goddess of Marriage and Love. Nurturer, also viewed of as an earth goddess. Inherited views from both the elves and the dwarves. Viewed by some as a goddess of lust and sex, and many sects of this religion argue over this point.Neutral Good

Athana – the Hunter – Athana is unconcerned with the “petty” squabbles of the others. Instead they hunt. While they hunt and rever all creatures, those unnatural beings, such as undead, accrue Athana’s greatest violence.

Sartas – god of travelers, bards, and adventurers. First introduced by the humans. Viewed of as a worn and weathered traveler, with a polished walking stick and long strides.

Rindlebok – god of thieves and trickery. Originally taken from a minor diety of the elves, who is more a fairy than a god. Pictured as a small impish person who thrives on practical jokes and pick pocketing. Also the patron god of the Elflings.

Rom – god of war. A lot of fighters are followers of Rom as legend says that he grants special powers to great fighters who worship him. He is often depicted as a large man in full armor the color of blood, his great sword covered in the blood of his enemies.

Volinus – god of weather. Most followers of this diety are chaotic neutral, much like the weather their god controls. Volinus is also known as a vengeful god, though not as violent as Kaldrath. He is the god that represents the harshness of nature, the opposite of Lunare. This side of his personality often represented by a bolt of lightning.

Moorukk – god of death. He watches over those spirits as they travel from life to thier final destiny. His realm is a dark shadowy world, covered in mist. Followers of Moorukk are most often not welcome in the open, so they have developed a life of secrecy. The arch enemies of followers of Moorukk are vampires. Those who defy death are against everything they believe in.

Dwyrgoth – He is known many places as the Unspoken (Unhamil) as legends say that vocalizing one of his many names draws his attention. He is viewed as a deceiver and a liar, the god of those who work in the shadows. He exercises domination over all those who follow him and shows no mercy. Also called Zaaradhol by those of the southlands and Meeshtoff or Grunndreg by some of the darker races. He is the god of all things dark and evil.

Trund – god of the earth. Many blacksmiths, metalworkers and even some druids worship him. He created the gnomes and dwarves and taught the races the art of wood, stone and metal working. Also called the god of the forge.

Claravis – goddess of magic. She does not grant magical powers, but instead is believed to be the protector and guardian of the balance of arcane powers.

Arcist – god of defiling magic. He is a god of excess and pride. His symbol is a flame in a black hand.

Kala – goddess of fate. Neutral

Lunare – Mother of Nature and the animals. Worshipped by many druids, rangers and monks.

Orum – The god of time.

Kaldrathgod of vengeance and order. Kaldrath has an interesting mythos. It is believed that he rose to power after the other gods and was born on Uteria. He was of the race of Eldar, who enslaved the Elves when they first arrived on Uteria. His story is long and is still tied to strong beliefs within Uteria. His name is considered a curse and many believe he still has the ability to affect the people of the world. He is the only god not trapped in the Other plane, but instead imprisoned deep beneath the earth.

Soth- A god of decay and rotting.



An adventurer gains back 1d6 hp + thier CON bonus after 8 hours of rest. Rest is not just sleep, but also the down time after adventuring, hiking, or other activities. Cooking, sitting, and meditating all count as resting.

Riddle House Players

Odrunus the Bard
Odrunus the Bard

The Riddle House Players are a bardic group that travels the lands around Kowal, delivering the latest news and performing the people’s favorite plays. Their large wagon is called the Riddle, and it is also their stage.

They have long been a part of Kowal. Since Odrunus joined the troupe, they have made more money than ever, and they attribute it to his leadership and his patron deity. 

Rivenhall Castle

Sitting high on a hill, Rivenhall was constructed by the dwarves as a defensive keep to guard over the city. It has been the seat of power for Ferryport since the city was founded. It was the home of Lord Glycyn until he was deposed. Now Glycyn sits in the dungeons below the keep, awaiting his fate.