
orlock_webA tall skinny creature, its eyes wide set and peering above a small serious mouth. Its long limbs hang past its waist, holding wicked chitinous weapons. It is adorned in leathers, cloth and assorted chitin armor matching its weapons.



Orlock Scavenger
Challenge Rating: 1
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid
Initiative: 4

Hit Points: 7
Armor Class: 14 , Touch 12, flat footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 DEX)
Saves: Fort 0 Ref 2 Will 0

Speed: 30
Base Attack: 1
Melee: +1 Short sword (1d6 +2)
Special Attacks: Sneak attack +1d6

Abilities: Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 7, Cha 6
Skills: 2 athletics, 2 awareness, 1 power, 1 thievery
Talents: Improved initiative, stealthy
Special Qualities: Trapmaking

Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, Band, Legion, Hive

Treasure: Standard

Scavengers are sent out to find material for the hives. They gather almost anything, from food to goods. They prefer to sneak and hide, waiting to ambush their adversaries when they perceive them as weak.

Orlock Predator
Challenge Rating: 1
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid
Initiative: 1

Hit Points: 14
Armor Class: 15 , Touch 11, flat footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 DEX)
Saves: Fort 2 Ref 0 Will 0

Speed: 30
Base Attack: 1
Melee: +1 Longsword (1d8 +3)
Special Attacks: Rage

Abilities: Str 17, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 6
Skills: 2 athletics, 2 awareness, 3 power
Talents: Over extended attack, take a hit
Special Qualities:
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, Band, Legion, Hive

Treasure: Standard

Among the scavengers, the predator orlocks are the tough ones. They rush head first into battles, and can take damage from their foes. They can also deal it out, often flying into rages until all their enemies are dead.

Orlock Seer (rare)
Challenge Rating: 1
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid
Initiative: 2

Hit Points: 8
Armor Class: 14 , Touch 12, flat footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 DEX)
Saves: Fort 0 Ref 2 Will 0

Speed: 30
Base Attack: 1
Melee: +0 Longknife (1d4 +0)
Mana: 3
Special Attacks: Rage

Abilities: Str 11, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: 2 athletics, 2 awareness, 3 power
Talents: Over extended attack, powerful
Special Qualities:
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, Band, Legion, Hive

Treasure: Standard
Some orlocks are born with magical abilities. These orlocks are very rare and often only sent out with large raid parties.

orlock copy
About Orlocks (General)

Orlocks have long been absent in Atheles. In ages past they were known as scavengers and raiders. During the Aradan War they fought alongside the Orovari elves and the Uthgard kingdom. After the Disappearance, they faded from the lands much like the elves. Sporadic sightings have started to pop up here and there, and many agree that the Orlocks are once again inhabiting the dark corners of the mountains.


These tall turtle like creatures are generally of lower intelligence, having been brought to Uteria by Kaldrath for war. They have settled in the south and have become citizens, if reluctant, of the Ishian Empire.

They are cold blooded, so they are better suited for the warm southlands. They live in small family groups, only gathering for ceremonies or meetings.


Orog (Warrior)
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Size: Large (8’)
Type: Humanoid
Initiative: 0

Hit Points: 14
Armor Class: 10 (0 DEX, -1 size, +1 natural)
Saves: Fort +6 Ref 0 Will +1

Speed: 30’ (15’ in <40 degree temperature)
Base Attack: +1
Melee: Club +4 (1d6+3)
Special Attacks:

Abilities: STR 17, DEX 10, CON 18, INT 10, WIS 13, CHA 9
Skills: Acrobatics 1, Athletics 7, Awareness 5, Endurance 6, Knowledge 0, Persuasion -1, Spellcraft, Survival 5, Thievery 1
Talents: Alertness, Powerful, Survivalist
Special Qualities: Tough skin

Environment: Desert

Treasure: Standard

Orog Characters get +3 to CON, +1 to STR, -2 to INT

Orogs advance according to their class.


The Orovari; The Dark Elves

Orovari Warrior , by M Bielaczyc

It is quite possible that the Orovari have suffered more hardships than any other elven culture. From their very beginning, they have been treated as nothing more than fodder for battles, and their worldview reflects this awful reality. 

They now live in the far north, kept captive in the frozen wastes above the kingdom of Mideon, banished after their attempt to migrate south with the kingdom of Pardalor during the Third Age.

The Lands of the Orovari

The Orovari live in the frozen north, in what they call the Banished Lands. Twice they have been forced to live in these frozen lands: once after the defeat of Kaldrath, and once again after the defeat of the Warlock King seven centuries ago. They were kept isolated in the north by the elves in the distant past, and now by the Kingdom of Mideon, which maintains the Border Forts and regularly sends soldiers into the cold forests to ensure the elves do not attempt a southward migration.

Currently, with the winters growing longer, the Border Forts have been hard-pressed in holding the Orovari back.

Orovari History

The ancestors of the Orovari filled the ranks of the Eldar armies. During centuries of warring over lands, titles, and position, the Eldar used the Orovari recklessly on the battlefields. They were trained as warriors from birth, males and females alike. This tradition is still evident today.

During the Time of Servitude, the Orovari were bred for their physical strength. They were forced into rigorous and deadly training to create the perfect warriors. In the beginning, the elves felt duty bound to create the perfect warrior in their fight against the remnants of Unhamil’s armies. The Orovari shouldered this responsibility with pride. As the monsters of Unhamil thinned in numbers, the Orovari were used as soldiers in disputes between the various Eldar realms. They had long forgotten that they had once had a choice, and were taught a code of honor that placed victory in battle above all else.

When Kaldrath opposed the Eldar, the Orovari deserted their overlords and flocked to Kaldrath’s banner. They had hoped to find a better life when Kaldrath freed the elves, but instead they found more violence, and ultimately, banishment.


The Orovari live in small clans which often clash with one another. Adding to the perpetual fighting are the orlocks, a little known race of creatures who inhabit the far north. The tough climate, violent culture, and strict religious views have kept the Orovari numbers relatively small.

An Orovari clan is led by a council which consists of the strongest warriors. There are no rulers. Instead, disputes and disagreements are settled by the council court or by combat. Under the warrior caste are the farmers, who are treated well, but not with the respect of a warrior. Orovari may change caste in battle, and many have perished trying to gain status as an Orovari warrior.


The Orovari are known for their aggressive tactics in combat. I’ve discovered manuscripts from the Third Age which describe how Orovari warriors are trained from birth in the art of war—and nothing else. I wonder, though, how a society can survive with so much knowledge of battle and so little else. I believe the stories to be generally true, but perhaps embellished by the Orovari themselves in order to instill fear in their enemies.

Indeed, during the Aradan War, the Orovari used fear much to their advantage. They marched on the field in bold strides, wearing fierce masks and wielding their well-known long daggers. Most foes fell before them, but many ran from the battlefield. All might have been lost if not for the trained forces of Selar Dor. 

Orovari Warrior

  • Size: M
  • Type: Humanoid Elf
  • Initiative: +3



  • Hit Points: 10
  • Armor Class: 16 (+3 Studded Leather, +3 Dex)
  • Saves: Fort +2 Ref +3` Will +1



  • Speed: 30
  • Base Attack: +1
  • Melee: Longknife +4 (1d6+2)
  • Ranged: Shortbow +4 (1d6)
  • Special Attacks:



  • Abilities: Str 15, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11
  • Skills: Athletics 4, Awareness 2, Endurance 1, Knowledge 1, Survival 2, Thievery 5
  • Talents: Alertness, Weapon Dexterity, Run
  • Special Qualities: Can not use Iron, steel causes discomfort, low light vision 60’



  • Environment: Northern lands
  • Organization: Single, Scouting pair, war party
  • Treasure: Standard

Orthodox Unelesia Church of Kowal

The Church is located in one of the most ornate buildings in all of Kowal, since the fall of the Greystone, the only building taller is the Duke’s Walled Tower. It is run by Archbishop Nicon Vassium, a new appointee from the head oft he church in Arnlord. He is a charismatic leader, though strict in his views and leadership. Many of the churches followers adore the new handsome leader, and attendance has almost doubled as of late.

The Church is now aligned with the Ministry of the Arts. It commands the Red Dragoons, sending them out to enforce the religious law of Uthgard.



The church was run by the Archbishop Gunderlan before the Catastrophe of the Greystone. He was a staunch advocate for the control of magic and a direct advisor to Baron Zadeku. He was badly injured during an uprising and was rarely seen in public afterwords. Many believe he perished that day or during the Catastrophe.

Orum and Kala

Human Myth

Orum and Kala, the god of time and the goddess of fate. For untold millennia they lived in the universe together, unaware of each others presence. One day, while surveying the universe Orum saw Kala. She sat among the stars, her red hair a swirling vortex and her body dancing as she wove through the stars.

He immediately approached her and began to sing to her of the universe. She smiled, her eyes twinkling so brightly it seemed to dull the stars around her, and returned the song. Her song wove with his and they completed each other in a chorus that allowed the stars and planets to twirl and dance.

Orum then reached out with his hand and gestured for Kala to follow him, but she did not. She continued to sing, but Orum had left. While he traveled across the universe he thought of Kala and her song. It was the same as his song, but it made him think of not just being, of what was to be, and this caused him to stop. He had never looked beyond what is, to think of what is to be. He then wondered when he had last seen her, and when he might see her again and these things puzzled him.

At this time Orum became aware of time, and with this knowledge he gained control over it. Seeing the answer he stopped time and rushed back to Kala, so they might dance among the still stars, but when he arrived back she had stopped singing.

“Why have you stopped your beautiful song?”

“Because there is nothing to sing to my love.”

“You can sing to me and we can dance among the universe.”

“But not if there is nothing to look forward to, without times passing I have no reason to be.”

With this Orum allowed time to start again and with a smile Kala began to sing again. And then Orum realized his own fate.

“I shall stand here with you now Kala, and watch over the universe with you. I will watch the now, the future and the past and understand. But when the planets stop turning and time has found it’s own fate, I shall be here to catch you and we shall walk side by side through the universe together, complete.”

With that the gray haired elf pointed to the stars, “See there young ones, that group of stars with the outstretched arm? That is Kala, watching over us and our future, guiding us with a gentle hand. And there next to her, that small groups of stars, that is the buckle of Orum’s belt, showing where he stands next to her faithfully, watching his own task, but staying forever close to her, for one day they shall be united forever.

Elven Myth

Back when there were still many beginnings,

and the Song still new,

the two, Orum and Kala,

guides of the cycles of time,

traversed between the stars.


Kala, her path straight and narrow,

looked to the future and sang it into existence.

She wove the future for worlds old and new,

and on she moved, ever forward.


Orum sat among the stars,

watching over the infant universe.

His was a song of remembrance,

committing to record all that had been.


It was thus that Trund swung his great hammer,

its blow splintering time, and stopping the song.


In this silence, the song interrupted,

Orum and Kala looked up from their tasks.

They looked upon one another for the first time,

their gazes meeting, and understanding dawning.


For the first time, Orum thought of the future

as he sang of the past,

and Kala questioned the song spun

by her narrow vision of the future.


Both looked to the Creator for answers,

but he was no longer there.

The absolute and the certainty of the future

was no longer.


And so Kala’s melody of the future

became a symphony of possibilities.

And with this Orum smiled,

his song changing to complement hers,

to encompass many visions of the past.


Both smiled as they looked upon one another,

singing in harmony of the things that may come,

the things that may be,

and the things that might have been.



An Orvocropse is not a sentient creature as it is a vehicle for fungal infection. Host creatures become infected with the fungus and if not treated, the fungus takes over the motor function of the creature. Often a hard wood like protrusion forms around and past the head and the hands/feet become enlarged and knotted with bark like protrusions. It is unknown if the host maintains consciousness, but the fungus controls the creature and the only focus seems to be the spread of the spores upon death or contact.


These creatures seem to have some sort of intelligence, as they migrate to populous areas. Stories of the Orvocorpse are most prevalent in the old kingdom of Uthgard, and anyone who sees a creature of this description will avoid it at all costs. Every city has orders to shoot anything with any symptom with flaming arrows, as fire seems to only sure way to stop the spread of the spores.



Challenge Rating: 4

Size: Medium

Type: Plant

Initiative: -2



Hit Points: 31

Armor Class: 17, touch 8, flat footed 17 (-2 Dex, +9 Natural)

Saves: Fort +8 Ref +1 Will +3

Weakness: Vulnerable to Fire


Speed: 10ft

Base Attack: +5

Melee: 2 Claws +7 (1d6+2)

Ranged: –

Special Attacks: Disease



Abilities: STR 14, DEX 7, CON 15, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 10

Skills: Acrobatics -2, Athletics +2,  Awareness +0, Endurance +2, Knowledge +0, Persuasion +0, Spellcraft +0, Survival +0, Thievery +0

Talents:  Blind Fight

Special Qualities: Plant qualities


Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, Pair, Swarm


Treasure: N/A



Zombie spores: claw—injury; save Fortitude DC 18; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex damage, 1d4 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

After 1 week without a cure, the infected creature will begin to develop hardened patches of skin on the face and extremities. On the second week, every hour the infected must make a Will save, DC 20, or slump to the ground, unable to perform any actions, staring vacantly ahead as the fungus begins to take control of their mind. After 30 days without a cure, the victim’s hands, head, and feet are completely encased in a hard bark-like substance. Upon waking on the 30 day, they are compelled to find nearby living creatures and spread the fungus, without concern for their own life.


Death Throes

An Orvocorpse explodes when it is destroyed. All creatures within 10 feet of the creature must make a Reflex save of 20, or be covered by fungal spores. Anyone who fails the save is infected by the zombie spores disease. After 1 round, the spores become harmless due to their exposure to the air.



The self given name of the wizards of Eredar.

The Mages of the Tower are by far the most well known in the lands, or at least they are the ones that fill the stories. White haired old men with beards calling down lightning, throwing balls of fire, and causing the walls of the great castles to crumble. The wizards spent their time researching and classifying magic, they felt that magic could be defined and quantified. Their ability to warp energy was beyond any of the other magical groups of Uteria, and that power led to corruption. During the Great War, some wizards left to fight with Uthgard and the armies of the North, becoming the Nulthari. Others aligned themselves with the Aradan Kingdom in the South. Some stayed neutral. This infighting caused the fall and destruction of the Tower, all factions wanting control of the knowledge there.

A hundred years ago, a small group came back to the ruins of the Tower and began to rebuild. Though there was no magic to harness, they taught of the world and its ways. They pushed science and discovery, but often hit dead ends as they could not find common threads between different theories. One day a chemical substance would cause an explosion, and the next day it would not. They surmised that there was some force that altered the state of physics in Uteria.

During the Great War, magic twisted and destroyed the lands in the East, so when the Tower was rebuilt, both the people who studied there and the local governments built a separate tower for the Archeons, or Watchers. They were there to keep watch over the wizards and their power, so that no one could ever harness the great power that laid waste to the lands of the southeast.

Since magic has started to return, the Mages have begun to scour the lands for potential apprentices. At the same time, the Archeons are on the hunt for those who abuse the power or magic.



Challenge Rating: 4

Size: Large

Type: Aberration

Initiative: +0



Hit Points: 36 (6HD)

Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +8 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 17

Saves: Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +6

Weaknesses: –



Speed: 20ft

Base Attack: +4

Melee: 2 tentacles +4 melee (1d6) and bite -2 melee (1d4)

Special Attacks: Constrict 1d6, disease, improved grab

Sanity Effects: –



Abilities: STR 11, DEX 10, CON 13, INT 5, WIS 12, CHA 6

Skills: Acrobatics +0, Athletics +1,  Awareness +4, Endurance +3, Knowledge -7, Persuasion -2, Spellcraft +1, Survival +1, Thievery +0

Talents: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Tentacle)

Special Qualities: 15’ reach, Darkvision 60ft, Scent



Environment: Underground

Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Cluster (3-4)

Treasure: Standard



An otyugh deals automatic tentacle damage with a successful grapple.



Filth fever—bite, Fortitude DC 14, incubation period 1d3 days; damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con.


Improved Grab

To use this ability, an otyugh must hit with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.



  • Statistics: Crime 1; Danger 1; Economy 2; Law 5; Knowledge 4; Magic 2
  • Highest Stat is 10, lowest 1 
  • Size: Village
  • Government: Mayoral, Under Uthgard Aristocracy
  • Economic System: Capitalist
  • Population: 167


Notable NPC’s:

Krasmir Praks – Mayor, Loyal to his villagers. Dislikes Uthgard and Fort Utliest. Owner of the Pewter Pot. 

Venbon the Ferryman

Notable Places:

The Pewter Pot – tavern, apothecary, library, and inn. 4 stories: 1st is tavern, 2nd is rental rooms, 3 and 4 are private residences. 

Krasmir and Estera Praks – Owner

The wood of this inn is old and gray. Small lanterns fill the cramped but cozy hall. All tye walls, doors and shelves seem slightly off kilter, but this gives it a homey feel. A long bar along the back wall runs the length of the building. The shelves behind the bar are littered with bottles of all shapes. The rest if the walls have shelves lined with books. 

Estera has copies of the Creature Compendium I and a hand-made copy of the Creature Compendium II. 


Chicken eggs, Soft cheese, Apple; 3sp


Leg of mutton, Green beans, Strawberries; 4sp


Pork Sausages, Corn, Coarse rye bread, Rice pudding; 5sp


Duck eggs, Strawberries, Rice; 2sp


The Pewter Pot

The general store and black smithy

Olivera Vilkowske – Owner


60% purchase

100% cost