House Ka’dal

A millennia ago, House Ka’Dal was the group of Orovari who broke from the Elves and fought with Kaldrath when he lead his genocide against the other Eldar. They served him faithfully until he was defeated by a coalition of elves, fauns, and other fey. House Ka’Dal was banished north with the other races who fought alongside Kaldrath. There the clan broke apart due to infighting and the clan nations of the Orovari were formed in the frozen North.

In more recent days, the House reemerged about 1,00o years ago and banded together many clans of the Orovari. Ka’Dal allied itself with Uthgard as Olaekin Baleband lead a war against the Aradan Kingdom. After the war, the Disappearance occurred and all elves and fey disappeared mysteriously from the lands of Atheles.

30 years ago magic began to return, and with magic came the elves and the fey. Once again the hollow star banner of Ka’Dal was raised in the North and many flocked to its banner. They gathered their warriors and looked to the fertile, warmer lands to the south.


How to play in the SagaBorn online demo


This will be a 2.5-3 hour demo, with a focus on having fun. So don’t stress too much, you are not expected to have to know anything, and I am here to help you along and make sure you do just that; have fun.


Tech Stuff before the Game (preferably ASAP and not right before we play)


First download discord and join the SagaBorn channel ( ). 


Download Fantasy Grounds Unity (Free Demo) 

Available for PC and Mac.


Fantasy grounds is a complete online campaign application, and I currently have all of SagaBorn programmed into it. It can look overwhelming, but don;t worry, I am here to help 🙂


Make a Fantasy Grounds Account

This is how you log into the server lobby to find the SagaBorn server.


Prepping before the Game (To do before the game session as prep)

Here is some basic knowledge that will be helpful if you haven’t played before, or if you just want an overview.


Character Classes

Characters have classes. There are three classes (Fighter, Mage, Scout) and 8 Paths. There are 6 choices in the demo, and they are detailed below.


Fighter – Classic warrior with a sword. Easy to play.

Berserker – A wild warrior, they go into fierce rages. Easy to play.

Archeon – A warrior who specializes in fighting against magic users. Medium difficulty.

Ranger – A scout who specializes in ranged attacks, sneak attacks, and nature. Easy to play.

Rogue – A scout who is sneaky, opens locks, and backstabs. Easy to play.

Wylder – A wild mage. They cast spells, imbue their weapons with magical energy, and heal. Most difficult to play, due to many abilities and mana tracking.



Here are the most common playable species and their bonuses. Since this is a one shot, I won’t get into their individual cultures, but if you want a little more info, visit:


Dwarf: low light vision 60’, +1 to Endurance (Misc. Mod.), +2 to knowledge checks on one of the following: stonework, woodwork, or metalwork

Elf: dazeless (+10 against daze, sleep, or stun based mind magic) , cold iron causes harm, steel causes harm, low light vision 60’, require very little food or water, only need 4 hours of sleep

Elfling: cold iron causes harm, steel causes discomfort, low light vision 60’, fearless (+10 against fear based magic)

Half-Dwarf: +1 to a skill, low light vision 30’

Human: +1 to any skill (Misc. Mod.)

Faun: low light vision 30’, +2 to saves vs charm, animal friend (can use the spell Calm Animal as a standard action)

Feral Elfling: cold iron causes harm, steel causes harm, low light vision 60’, fearless (+10 against fear based magic)


Specific things about the SagaBorn system.


Heroic Actions

When a character wants to do something different than a standard attack, such as tackle their opponent, they must succeed at a Heroic Action. A Heroic Action is a player vs. Game Master roll: each rolls a d20 and adds the appropriate ability modifier (for a roll against the environment the GM adds a default +2). The highest roll wins. Heroic actions can be used for any non-combat actions that would be contested by another creature.



When a character does something amazing, succeeds or fails at a daring Heroic Action, or makes the other people at the table gasp in awe, the GM may award them a Saga Point. Players can use these Saga Points to reroll one die roll. At the start of the game night if a character has zero Saga Points, they are awarded one.



Magic uses mana instead of memorized spells. If you know the spell. And you have enough mana, you can cast it.


Other things to get ready


Here is a quick intro to finding your character. Answer these three questions and you will be in a good place to jump into a character for a one night adventure. The answers don’t have to be long, they should just provide a springboard to character creation.


Is your character a hero? 

Do they do things out of the goodness of their heart, or do they have selfish motives? Do they want to fight for a better world, or is the world there to provide for them?


What is your immediate goal?

Is it money? Fame? Ridding the world of evil?


Are you merciful?

You have defeated most of the goblins. Only one is left, and they are begging to be spared. They have been bandits on the road, preying on innocent travelers, and even hurting some of them. What do you do?


The Night of the Game

Prep time should start 15 minutes before the game to help us solve any issues.


  1. Join Discord and meet up in the SagaBorn Online Game Channel voice chat. I will be there to help with any technical difficulties.
  2. Run Fantasy Grounds.
  3. If the Check for Updates button has a red outline, click to update.
  4. Click the Join Campaign button
  5. Search for me in the Lobby: username mbielaczyc or the game name Following in the Footsteps
  6. Password: aradani1
  7. It will acquire the file list, which may take a few minutes.
  8. Choose character
  9. Play!

Hulking Horror

Hulking Horror

Challenge Rating: 7

Size: Large

Type: Aberration

Initiative: +1



Hit Points: 71 (8HD)

Armor Class: Armor Class:18 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +8 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 17

Saves: Fort +8 Ref +3 Will +6




Speed: 20ft, burrow 20ft

Base Attack: +6

Melee:  2 claws +11 melee (2d4+6) and bite +9 melee (2d8+3)

Special Attacks: Pinsir Grapple

Sanity Effects: First encounter 1/1d8



Abilities: STR 23, DEX 13, CON 19, INT 11, WIS 11, CHA 13

Skills: Acrobatics +1, Athletics +10,  Awareness +1, Endurance +8, Knowledge +0, Persuasion +1, Spellcraft +1, Survival +0, Thievery +1

Talents: Great fortitude, Multiattack

Special Qualities:Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.



Environment: Underground

Organization: Solitary or Cluster (2-4)


Treasure: Standard


Pinsir Grapple

Hulking Horrors can grapple with their large pinsirs as well as their hands, as such they may make two heroic actions a round to grapple two different opponents or the same opponent twice. Grapples made at a 10ft range are always with the pinsir.


Human: +1 to any score

The most diverse race. Average lifespan is 60 years, though it is said that those of the Aradan kingdom lived longer (this is due to magic and medicine leading to fewer diseases and less sickness). They spread over Uteria more quickly than any race. The average family has 4-7 children—though many die of disease—causing their population to thrive and spread over the lands. The human population was decimated after the war, 700 years ago, but has now begun to thrive again, filling the cities and lands of the past.

Hunt Brothers Caravans

The Hunt Brothers were traveling guards who formed a trade company that specializes in large caravans that are heavily guarded. On high risk targets, the brothers are still willing to travel themselves with the caravan.


Iaross is a Uthgardian woman who joined the Wanderers just four years ago. She had been a mage in the Ministry who was shipped off to fight in the recent Giant Wars. She was crippled by a boulder which crushed her legs and her spine. She was able to heal herself enough to stave off death, but her spine did not heal correctly, leaving her unable to walk. 

She lives with Gylas, her library taking up about as much as his alchemy tables in the Cauldron shop in Elmhearth. She is always excited to help those who are out adventuring, lending her extensive knowledge and tomes to those who seek her help.

Spells Known:

  • Aid
  • Bear’s Strength
  • Conjure Elemental
  • Elemental Arrow
  • Elemental Shield
  • Heal
  • Open
  • Orrilot’s Constitution
  • Warding Armor


Imp, Fire

Challenge Rating: 3

Size: Small

Type: Navirite Fey

Initiative: +5



Hit Points: 13 (3HD)

Armor Class: 16 , touch 12, flat-footed 15  (+1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural)

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3

Weaknesses: Magic or legacy weapons, cold



Speed: 30’, fly 50’

Base Attack: +3

Melee: 2 claws +4 melee (1d3 plus 1d4 fire)

Ranged: –

Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities

Sanity Effects: First Encounter 1/1d4



Abilities: STR 10, DEX 13, CON 10, INT 6, WIS 11, CHA 15

Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics,  Awareness, Endurance, Knowledge, Persuasion, Spellcraft, Survival, Thievery

Talents: 2 points or recommended: Dodge, Improved Initiative

Special Qualities: DR 5/magic or legacy, dark vision 60’, immune to fire, fast healing 2, cold does double damage



Environment: Any

Organization: Any


Treasure: Standard



Breath Weapon

15-foot cone, damage 1d8 fire, Reflex half DC 12.


Spell-Like Abilities

1/hour—mage fire (DC 14); 1/day—heat metal (DC 15)


Fast Healing

A fire imp heals only if it is touching a flame at least as large as a torch.



Iron and Steel

Iron and steel are quite common in Atheles. Iron and Steel are both used to ward against magic.

Iron and steel cause damage to magic users and magic creatures in Atheles.

Magic and metal:

If casting magic, these metals cause these effects:

Iron – On skin 1d6 per mana, in skin 2d6 per mana, on body, but covered (wrapped, leather bound, etc) – slight irritation.

Steel – On skin 1d3 per mana, in skin 1d6 per mana. On body, but covered (wrapped, leather bound, etc_ – no effect.


Iron – On skin 1d4 damage per hour, in skin 2d4 per hour, on body, but covered (wrapped, leather bound, etc) – slight irritation.

Steel – On skin 1d2 damage per hour, in skin 1d4 per hour, on body, but covered (wrapped, leather bound, etc) – no effect.


Iron – On skin slight discomfort, in skin moderate discomfort, on body, but covered (wrapped, leather bound, etc) – slight irritation.

Steel -No effect.

Feral Elfling:

Iron – On skin 1d4 damage per hour, in skin 2d4 per hour, on body, but covered (wrapped, leather bound, etc) – slight irritation.

Steel – On skin 1d2 damage per hour, in skin 1d4 per hour, on body, but covered (wrapped, leather bound, etc) – no effect.

Iron Golem

Golem, Iron

Challenge Rating: 13

Size: Large

Type: Construct

Initiative: -1


Hit Points: 129 (18HD)

Armor Class: 30, touch 8, flat-footed 30  (-1 size, -1 Dex, +22 natural)

Saves: Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +6

Weaknesses: Tritium


Speed: 20ft

Base Attack: +12

Melee: 2 slams +23 melee (2d10+11)
Special Attacks: Breath weapon

Sanity Effects: –


Abilities: STR 33, DEX 9, CON –, INT –, WIS 11, CHA 1

Skills: Acrobatics 0, Athletics +21,  Awareness +0, Endurance –, Knowledge –, Persuasion –, Spellcraft –, Survival +1, Thievery 0

Talents: —

Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 15/tritium, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision


Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)

Treasure: None


Breath Weapon

10-foot cube, cloud of poisonous gas lasting 1 round, free action once every 1d4+1 rounds; initial damage 1d4 Con, secondary damage 3d4 Con, Fortitude DC 19 negates.

Immunity to Magic

An iron golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A magical attack that deals electricity damage slows an iron golem (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw.

A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. For example, an iron golem hit by a fireball gains back 6 hit points if the damage total is 18 points. An iron golem gets no saving throw against fire effects.