Grael Ograin


Role in Story: Minor, Archeon guardian and husband of Biena.

Occupation: Archeon of the Watchers

Physical Description: Tall, broad, solid

Personality: Stoic, quiet until engaged, strategic.

Habits/Mannerisms: Laughs quietly after making small jokes or puns. 



Grael is tall, his shoulders holding his worn iron armor as if it is never taken off. A woolen gray cloak hangs from straps that criss cross his broad chest. At his waist a wide leather belt and a long thin blade sit easily, both worn with travel and use. Dark eyes that seem to take everything in, memorizing flaws and strengths, rest in his pensive face. He seems a quiet stoic man, until you have a couple glasses of rye and he will regale you with tales of past strategists, recite lore from ancient philosophers, or beat you at a game of eyes; all followed by his comforting laugh.


Grael is an archeon from the Tower, who spent his early years growing up in the farmlands of Olsztyn. He was always enthralled by magic, though he had no ability with it. When his reached a proper age, his father gave him permission to study at the Tower of the Watcher, which is the school for archeons. He learned quickly, and spent most of his time training and studying, never choosing to watch over a wizard or leave on a hunt, until Biena visited. She came to gain control over her wylding magic when she was in her late 20th cycles. He was drawn from his studies for the first time since his youth. She enjoyed the advances and attention from the younger archeon, and they became romantically entangled. When she gained the position of Luminar and left the Tower for the road with her old Wanderer companions, Grael came with her.

Internal Conflicts:

External Conflicts:


Legacy Items:

  • Sword of Orgrain – A slim rapier passed down since the Aradan War, Grael’s father gave him this sword when he left for Eredar. Critical range 18-20, +1 to hit and damage.
  • Cloak of the Hunter – A cloak given to Grael when they helped a tribe of Losvari elves in the Wastes. 1 DR, +4 to Thievery checks with hiding, or sneaking.

Character Sheet:

  • Race: Human
  • Age: 45
  • Class/Level: Archeon 5/Ranger 1
  • Challenge Rating: 5
  • Size: M
  • Handed: Ambidextrous
  • Languages: Uthgardian, Common
  • Initiative: +3



  • Hit Points: 60 (6 HD)
  • Armor Class: 20, touch 13, 17 flat-footed (+3 DEX, +5 Armor, +1 Shield, +1 Natural, )
  • Saves: Fort +7 Ref +8 Will +6
  • Sanity:
  • Weaknesses:
  • Fears: Loss of Biena



  • Speed: 20′
  • Base Attack: +6/+1
  • Melee: Masterwork Rapier (Legacy Weapon) +10/+5 (1d6+3/18-20), Dagger +8/+3 (1d4+2)
  • Ranged: Dagger (Thrown) +9/+4 (1d4), Composite Longbow +9/+4 (1d8+2)
  • Special Attacks:


  • Abilities: STR 14, DEX 16, CON 15, INT 12, WIS 10, CHA 10
  • Skills: Acrobatics +4, Athletics +4, Awareness +4, Endurance +2, Knowledge +3, Persuasion +1, Survival +3, Thievery +5
  • Talents: Advantage, Rapid shot
  • Special Qualities: Favored Enemy, Magebane, Magic Sense, Spell Shield, Track




Masterwork Rapier (Legacy Weapon)               1 2 lbs. Special: +2 to CritRange, +1 enhancement bonus to hit and damage

Breastplate                                     1 30 lbs.

Buckler                                         1 2 lbs.

Arrow (20)                                      1 0 lb.

Backpack                                        1 2 lbs.

Blanket, winter                                 1 3 lbs.

Candle                                          1 0 lb.

Chain (10’)                                     1 2 lbs.

Flint and steel                                 1 0 lb.

Grappling hook                                  1 4 lbs.

Hammer                                          1 2 lbs.

Lock (good)                                     1 1 lb.

Mirror, small steel                             1 0.5 lb.

Manacles                                        1 2 lbs.

Rope, silk (50’)                                1 5 lbs.

Sack                                            1 1 lb.

Soap (per lb.)                                  1 1 lb.

Tent                                            1 20 lbs.

Torch                                           1 1 lb.

Waterskin                                       1 4 lbs.

Whetstone                                       1 1 lb.

Dagger                                          1 1 lb.

Composite Longbow (3 lb.)


Total Weight Carried: 87.5 lbs.

Current load:         Medium



  • Light: 58 lbs.
  • Medium: 116 lbs.
  • Heavy: 175 lbs.

Grand Ballroom

A large dance hall in the Nobles Quarter of Ferryport. It is frequented by the influential and powerful. You must have an invitation or be a member to attend any function.

Gray Market

Ferryport is a port town. Everything that enters the harbor for sale has its tariffs and taxes applied before it leaves the ship. But things often find their way into the city by other means, bypassing those legal fees. The Grey Market is how those smugglers offload wares. It is never in the same place twice, often switching from derelict house to derelict house in Fish Town. Some believe that the Kantori family runs the Gray Market, but no one has ever proven these accusations.

For all the things that can be found in the city’s main markets, some things are better bought in the shadows. The Gray Market is where these things can be found for the right price . . . if you can find it. The Market is located in the sewers below Fish Town. The right amount of silver coins in the right hands will open the way for those seeking hard to find or illegal merchandise.

Great Chasm

The rift in the mountains along the Aerlon River near the Barren Sea. It was created during the Great War by the destructive magics used.

Great War

Also called the Aradan War

During the Third Age – The Age of Kingdoms

  • 5054 Uthgard begins its war to control Atheles (The Great War, The Aradan War)
  • 5057 Small border skirmishes between the Ishian Empire and Endamas begin.
  • 5059 The Ishian Empire begins invading the Westlands.
  • 5062 Uthgard defeats the Mages of the Tower. Eredar is sacked and left empty.
  • 5069 Olaekin Baleband, now known as the Warlock-King, defeats a large force of the Ishian Empire’s Army.
  • 5073 The Ishian Empire, worn down by years of war, pull their troops back and fortify their borders. The elves stop their war, the high elves retreating into their forest and some of the grey elves and wood elves that are left lend their aid to Seladar.
  • 5075 The Warlock-king and his armies march on Seladar itself.
  • 5082 Seladar (Capital city of Aradan) is destroyed. The city is evacuated, including the king’s newlywed wife and his son. Aeerumar Aradan, last king of Seladar is slain by one of his advisors, Caroth. Uthgard uses an artifact to open a rift from the battlefield into the heart of the city, insuring victory.
  • 5086 War on the West is declared by the Warlock King and his kingdom Uthgard
  • 5087 Bordon repels Uthgard’s forces
  • 5090 Invasion of Norhan (Northlands) almost reaches Seahaven and is repelled. Uthgard retreats and there is an uneasy peace for years.
  • 5132 Second invasion to the West by Uthgard. Seahaven and Bordon, with the help of the Ishian Empire push back the forces of Uthgard. Uthgard uses devastating magic again, ruining more of the Eastlands. In a massive final battle, Uthgard is defeated and the Warlock King is slain. During the culmination of the battle, the Disappearance happens.

The Fourth Age – The Dark Age

  • 5133 Years of hardship follow as the remnants of the Uthgard army are still strong and cause problems all along the North and Westlands. The Ishian Empire becomes solitary, allowing no traffic to and from their country. The process of rebuilding and relearning is slow.

Green Hag

Green Hag

Challenge Rating: 5

Size: Medium

Type: Humanoid (Monstrous)

Initiative: +1



Hit Points: 49 (9HD)

Armor Class: 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+1 Dex, +11 natural)

Saves: Fort +6 Ref +7 Will +7

Weaknesses: –



Speed: 30ft, swim 30ft

Base Attack: +9

Melee: 2 claws +13 melee (1d4+4)

Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, weakness, mimicry



Abilities: STR 19, DEX 12, CON 12, INT 13, WIS 13, CHA 14

Skills: Acrobatics +1, Athletics +4,  Awareness +2, Endurance +1, Knowledge +1, Persuasion +2, Spellcraft +2, Survival +1, Thievery +1

Talents: Three points or recommended:  Alertness, Blind-fight, Great Fortitude

Special Qualities:Darkvision 90 ft., spell resistance 18


Environment: Temperate Marshes

Organization: Solitary or covey (3 hags of any kind plus 1-8 ogres and 1-4 evil giants)

Treasure: Standard


Spell-Like Abilities

At will—dancing lights, disguise self, ghost sound (DC 12), invisibility, pass without trace, tongues, water breathing.



A green hag can weaken a foe by making a special touch attack. The opponent must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude save or take 2d4 points of Strength damage.



A green hag can imitate the sounds of almost any animal found near its lair.




This aquatic creature is covered in an armored shell, has four giant claws, and a horrible visage – two small black eyes and a mass of tentacles hanging down from its mouth. It can be up to 8 feet long and weigh around 700lbs.


This giant monstrosity stays near areas with water. It moves quickly when in the water, and slows on land. It is a hunter, living only to feed and sleep. It has four claws it uses to attack and grapple opponents.


Challenge Rating: 6

Size: Large

Type: Navirite Aberration

Initiative: 0



Hit Points: 89

Armor Class: 19 ( +9 natural)

Saves: Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +5

Weakness: –



Speed: 45 submerged, or in water ( on land 20)

Base Attack: +7

Melee: (4) Claws +12  (1d6+5), Bite (if grappled) (1d6+5 plus poison)

Ranged: Throw boulder +7 (1d8+5)

Special Attacks: Reach 5’, grab, poison

Sanity Effects: First Encounter 1/1d8, if grappled by the Grelm 1/1d8



Abilities: STR 21, DEX 11, CON 15, INT 6, WIS 10, CHA 7

Skills: +2 Acrobatics, +5 Athletics, +7 Awareness, +3 Endurance, +0 Knowledge, -2 Persuasion, – Spellcraft, +0 Survival, +3 Thievery

Talents: Alertness, Cleave, Run

Special Qualities: +3 Awareness, low light vision, fearless



Environment: Temperate marshes, water filled caverns

Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-5)

Treasure: Standard


Grelm Saliva – DC 14 Injury, 1 CON, 1 minute later 2 CON



When hit with an attack that also does grab, the attacker and defender must roll a heroic action. If the defender loses, they become grappled. They must succeed at a Heroic Action during their turn to free themselves.