
Faun: +1 dex, -1 wis

Fauns are a reclusive race who live in the Eastlands. They live in small communities deep in the forests, trading amongst themselves, or human settlements if necessary.

They stand about six feet tall and resemble humans. They have a little more body hair than most other races, pointed ears, and small horns. Their feet end in two large, flat toes. They live, on average, 100 cycles, though the loss of their habitat and disease has shorten their lifespans in the recent centuries.

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They excel in nature-based magic and feats.

Feral Elflings

Feral Elfling: -1 Cha, +1 Dex, cannot use iron, low light vision 60’

A feral elfling belongs to a group of elflings who were caught between the worlds during the Disappearance. They lived in a harsh dream-like world, fighting for their lives against the environment and demons. Unlike their cousins, the feral elflings have little problem with violence, having gone to severe lengths to survive during their Exile, as they call it. They are not adjusting well to the world since their return, and they find its inhabitants soft. They do not get along with others, though some tribes have slowly begun to accept contact from the outside.

They are the same small stature as their cousins, but they have a wild look to their eyes, a paler skin color, and often have sharpened teeth and tribal scarification.

Time in the Between

There were some Alfiren who were caught in the Eastlands during the Great War. They were pulled into the Between and like the elves, spent around seven centuries stuck there. Unlike the elves, they were trapped in the Eastlands, which were tied closely to the Navirim. Stuck there they battled against the demons for centuries and became very different from their cousins who stayed in Uteria.

While the Elflings of Uteria feasted on milk and honey from bees and cows, the feral Alfirin had only the kudza vine, which can be ground down into a bitter sugar and the meat of the demons to subsist on. Some of the tribes even viewed eating the raw meat of their enemies to give them strength.

How to play a Feral Elfling

Feral Elflings love chaos as much as their Westlands cousins, but to them it has become a full reality. The time in the Between has changed their outlook and they can not accept the reality of the “real” world.

Feral Alfiren are wild and untamed. They survived by fighting directly against the demons, and have no problem with violence. They still have a love of chaos and travel the Eastlands in hunt for the demons.
Feral Alfiren get a -1 to Cha but a +2 to Dex.

Ferric Watoss

Ferric was a shop owner in Kowal. His shop specialized in buying rare and strange objects. He had received warning from the Wanderer’s that his shop was targeted by the Red Guard. Fleeing in the middle of the night, he escaped the Elmhearth

He has now opened up a shop, called the Supply Tent, which is just that, a tent that deals in the supplies and items of the Elmhearth refugee camp.



Ferryport Final M BielaczycFerryport was built during the age of kingdoms over 1000 years ago. As part of the old kingdom of Endamas, it was a hub for riverbound trade and the central marketplace for the kingdom. It was built by the dwarves, with an extensive sewer system and 30 foot high walls guarding its perimeter. The city grew large and extended past the walls, stretching from the Forest of Kaelnor to the Altros plains to the north. During the Aradan War and the years that followed, the city suffered many setbacks. The worst was the great plague that beset the city 400 years ago. The city suffered greatly and over half of the population perished. The northern part of the sewer system, which was past the city walls, were blocked off and turned into catacombs. In the following years, the plague had several resurgences, keeping the population low and causing a citywide panic. Thankfully, it has been over 60 years since the last outbreak.


Today, the city is repopulated and thriving, though many empty places can still be found throughout the city proper. The southern areas beyond the city walls have become the main farmlands of the area and trade ships now travel the river regularly. Ferryport swears no allegiance to the kingdoms of Jaeldor or Bordon, though lying between the two kingdoms and being such a valuable trade route warrants its protection from other outside forces.


Despite this time of prosperity, the city finds itself in turmoil as Lord Glycyn, baron of the city, was deposed. The city now scrambles to rebuild its government. Representatives from the neighboring kingdoms have come either to help or to hinder the process, and the political climate is quite volatile and uncertain. The anxiety of the political class has spilled into the common class, lending an edge to the city’s mood, despite its recent economic growth.

For many generations, Ferryport had been ruled by the Glycyn family. But nearly year ago, the ruling baron, Filac Glycyn, was found guilty of treason and imprisoned deep in the dungeons of what was once his own castle. Since that time, the Guildmasters of Ferryport have dedicated themselves to reforming the city so that it is ruled by a council of elected officials. While they struggle to form a cohesive government, Ferryport has become a center of hope, intrigue, treachery, and upheaval.

With the loss of the lord and the guildmasters scrambling to put together a government, most surrounding powers have sent delegations to Ferryport. Each has its own agenda, and many Ferryport citizens feel each has its own conspiratorial intents.


Ferryport Locales:

Merchant Houses of Ferryport

Ferryport Personalities


Feywood is a type of wood crafted by the elves. It is enchanted wood that is harder than steel, and lighter than wood.

HP: 20 per inch (armor or weapons made of Feywood have x2 normal HP)

Hardness: 15

Other Bonuses: Weight cut by 1/2

Armor’s Max DEX bonus +4

All Feywood items are considered masterwork.

Type of Feywood Item Item Cost Modifier
Light armor +2,500 gp
Medium armor +5,000 gp
Heavy armor +10,000 gp
Shield +1,500 gp
Other items +500 gp/lb.


SagaBorn 1.5

Path: Fighter 

Hit Die: d10

Class Abilities: STR, CON

The world is filled with those who choose to face problems with a sharp edge. The fighter is the guardian of the group, the one who cuts a path through the enemy.

Level Base Attack Bonus (BAB) Class Bonus Level Bonus*
1st +1 Heroic Surge Starting HD (Max), 1st Legacy Item, 10 Skill Points, 2 Talent Points 
2nd +2 1 Talent Point, +2 HP +1 HD, +1 HP, +1 Skill
3rd +3 Quick Recovery +1 HD, +1 Skill, 1 Talent
4th +4 1 Talent Point, +2 HP, Endurance +2 +1 HD, 2nd Legacy Item, +1 Ability, +1 Skill
5th +5 Extra Attack, 1 Talent Point +1 HD, +1 Skill
6th +6 Good Position, +2 HP +1 HD, +1 Skill, 1 Talent Point
7th +7 1 Talent Point +1 HD, +1 Skill, 3rd Legacy Item
8th +8 Bonus Attack, +4 HP +1 HD, +1 Skill, 1 Talent Point, +1 Ability

*Level dependent, not class dependent. These skills are completely independent of Class Feature.

**All warrior classes get a total of +3 HP at level 2.


Level 1

Heroic Surge: Once per encounter the fighter may take a bonus Heroic Combat or Move action.


Level 3

Quick Recovery: Heal 1d10 +CON+Level 1/day, Free Action.


Level 5

Extra attack: A fighter gets two attacks at their full bonus for one standard action.


Level 6

Good Position: As a Free Action, when a Fighter is flanked the fighter gets a free move of 5ft that does not provoke attacks of opportunity after the enemies have finished their movement, but before they roll attacks.


Level 8

Bonus Attack: A Fighter may take an additional attack as a Free Action. This is in addition to the Extra Attack gained at level 5, and attacks gained from any other source.

SagaBorn 1.0

Hit Die: d10

Class Abilities: STR, CON

The world is filled with those who choose to deal with problems with a sharp edge. The fighter is the guardian of the group, and the one who cuts a path through the enemy.

Level Base Attack Bonus (BAB) Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Class Bonus Level Bonus*
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 1 Talent Points 1st Legacy Item, 5 skill points to start, 2 Talent Points
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 1 Talent Point, +2 HP Bonus Hit Point, +1 Skill Point
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1   All Resistances gain +1, +1 Skill Point, 1 Talent Point
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 1 Talent Point +1 Ability Point, +1 Skill Point, 2nd Legacy Item
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 +1 AC +1 Deflection Bonus to AC, +1 Skill Point
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 1 Talent Point All Resistances gain +1, +1 Skill Point, 1 Talent Point
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 +5 HP Natural Armor +1, +1 Skill Point, 3rd Legacy Item
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 1 Talent Point, 1 Ability Point +1 Ability Point, +1 Skill Point

*Level dependant, not class dependant. These skills are completely independant of class bonus.

Finnian Nightfall

Male Feral Elfling: Pale-skinned with a shock of black hair, Finnian has an otherworldly, haunted look. He rarely speaks, instead observing others with a calculating gaze. Skilled at hiding and quick to adapt, Finnian avoids conflict but holds a simmering resentment against the guards.

First Hall

First Hall is the most western town of the Ferryport city state.

First Hall is a small town, and as such, has only one inn, aptly named “The First Inn”, as it was the first (and so far only) inn built in First Hall. It is built of the same timbers and white stucco as most of the other buildings and houses in the town, and is over 400 years old.

The town is centered around a fresh water spring, which has a fountain built over top, carved in the shape of a beautiful woman in robes with a large urn from which the water flows naturally up from artesian pressure.ferryport-lands-web