Dwygar’s Forge

Dwygar’s Forge

Dwygar is one of the best craftsmen in Kowal. Sadly, due to a recent rash of racism, most dwarves of Dwarf Town are looked down upon. Dwygar still makes his money, but often not making the crafted items he wants. His shop is in the center of Dwarf Town, just a small workshop with a bed in it.

The buildings of dwarf town are different for any others in Kowal. They are all squat one story stone structures with flat roofs. You travel down the wide streets until you see the sign of Dwygar, an anvil with an eye above it.

Inside the small shop has a forge, a large work table and a bed. A short dwarf shouts from the grinding wheel.



Stats: Dwygar: STR 14, DEX 12, Con 15, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 8

Earth Wraith

Earth Wraith

Challenge Rating: 3

Size: Medium

Type: Elemental

Initiative: -1



Hit Points: 30 (4d8+12)

Armor Class: 18 (-1 Dex, +9 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 18

Saves: Fort +7 Ref +0 Will +1

Weaknesses: —



Speed: 20’

Base Attack: +2

Melee: Slam +7 melee (1d8+5) or Bite +7 (1d6+5 and chance to chomp)

Ranged: n/a

Special Attacks: Push

Sanity Effects: —



Abilities: STR 21, DEX 8, CON 17, INT 4, WIS 11, CHA 11

Skills: -1 Acrobatics,+5 Athletics,  +5 Awareness, +3 Endurance, 0 Knowledge, 0 Persuasion, 0 Spellcraft, 0 Survival, -1 Thievery

Talents: Cleave

Special Qualities: Darkvision 60’,  



Environment: Any (conjured)

Organization: Solitary


Treasure: None


Push: An earth wraith can push a foe with enough force to knock them back 2d10 feet and do 1d6 damage. A successful heroic action using STR must be made for the wraith to push an enemy. The target can be pushed in any direction away from the earth wraith.


Chomp: An earth wraith can try to bite down and hold an opponent with a successful bite attack. They must succeed at a heroic action to successfully restrain its opponent. It must succeed at a heroic action for each round after that to keep the opponent in its mouth. Each successive round the opponent is held the earth wraith causes an additional (1d6) damage as a free action.


Earth Mastery:

If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the elemental takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)


Eastland Tables


The weather in the Eastlands is erratic and dangerous. One day the sun can bake the lands , leaving behind dust and cracked mud. The next a raging acid rain storm moves through burning the characters and any animals caught out in it.


  • 1-50: Clear
  • 51-70: Overcast, Slight chance of rain.
  • 71- 85: Rain
  • 86-95: Heavy Thunderstorm
  • 96: Dust Storm
  • 97: Tornado
  • 98-99: Acid Rain Storm – 1d6 damage per hour in the rain.
  • 100: Acid Rain electric storm – 1d6 damage per hour in the rain, massive lighting.


  • 1-25: Clear Moderate
  • 26-50: Clear Cold
  • 51-59: Overcast, Slight chance of rain. Cold but tolerable.
  • 60-70: Overcast, Slight chance of freezing rain. Cold. Biting Wind.
  • 71- 85: Rain
  • 86-95: Thundersnow
  • 96: Blizzard
  • 97: Tornado
  • 98-99: Acid Snow Storm – 1d6 damage per hour in the rain.
  • 100: Freezing Acid Rain electric storm – 1d6 damage per hour in the rain, massive lighting.

Random Encounter Tables


Encounter Chance

  • 1-65: No Encounter
  • 66-75: Traveler; wary, defensive.
  • 76-89 – Merchant
  • 80-85: Bandits – 2d3 Bandits (level appropriate)
  • 86-89: Unmen – 1d4 Unmen
  • 90-94: Feral Elfling hunting group. 2d4 Hunters. 50% of being hostile.
  • 95-98: Orovari Elves: 1d4 Scouts from the North
  • 99: Demon
  • 100: Northern Wyvere


Encounter Chance

  • 1-70: No Encounter
  • 70-75: Goblins
  • 76-89 – Small Demon band
  • 80-85: Bandits – 2d3 Bandits (level appropriate)
  • 86-89: Unmen – 2d4 Unmen
  • 90-94: Hostile dreams, connected to the Navirim, no one gets full rest.
  • 95-99: Demon
  • 100: Northern Wyvere

Eldar Skeleton

Skeleton, Eldar


Skeleton, Eldar

Challenge Rating: 1

Size: M

Type: Undead

Initiative: +5



Hit Points: 33

Armor Class: 15  touch 13, flat-footed 12(+2 DEX, +2 Natural, +1 Dodge )

Saves: Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +3



Speed: 35

Base Attack: +1

Melee: +2 Long Sword (1d8+1) or 2 Claws +2 (1d4+1)

Ranged: +3 Longbow (1d8)

Special Attacks: –

Sanity Effects: First encounter 0/1d2



Abilities: STR 13, DEX 15, CON 0, INT 0, WIS 10, CHA  1

Skills: Acrobatics +2, Athletics +1,  Awareness +1, Endurance +0, Knowledge -, Persuasion -, Spellcraft -, Survival +0, Thievery +2

Talents: 2 points or recommended: Dodge, Improved Initiative

Special Qualities: DR 5/Bludgeoning, Darkvision 60’, immune to cold



Environment: Any ruins

Organization: Any


Treasure: Standard


Stunning Scream

As a free action, the skeleton unnaturally bellows, which sends a sonic scream at a single opponent and causes them to become dazed. A DC13 will save to negate.



Elf: cannot use iron, steel causes discomfort, low light vision 60’

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Elves average a height of 6’5” and are slender. They have many different skin and hair colors, and every elf has pointed ears. Their features are more angled than humans, and more slender than dwarves. They live an average of 250 years.

The elves vary greatly in culture, but they share some similarities that players should keep in mind. In the current Age, they have not been seen in Uteria for 700 years. When they arrive in most human populated areas, they are looked upon with shock and even fright. They have an aura that seems alien and strange to humans. This effect fades with time, but in each place that they go, if the humans have not encountered many elves, their appearance may cause problems.

During the Disappearance, all elves were pulled into the limbo between worlds. Time was slower there, so while the Uteria moved forward almost 700 years, for the elves it was only about 350. They could see glimpses of Uteria flashing by, but they could not interact. The elves who have now begun to return are entering a world unfamiliar to them—a world they only learned of through stories from their parents. They would find humans strange, and this world, which is much more “solid” than the limbo they were born into, could be overwhelming.

The elves who have returned grew up in a strange, dreamlike world, and are now confronted with a new world. When playing an elf, this should be kept in mind.

Although the elves are powerful, they should not be used as super characters. In fact, there are many great roleplaying opportunities. For example, a low wisdom elf may have a hard time understanding the outside world. The culture she or he comes from may accept magic as normal, but using it in a human tavern could cause the locals to rise up against the “demons using witchcraft”.

Elven Cultures:

Elven Age (years)Equivalent Teran Age (years)
25 (Elven adulthood)16
22065 (Teran max lifespan)
230+Beyond Teran lifespan


Stats: Elfling: +1 cha, -1 wis, iron causes discomfort, low light vision 60’, fearless (immune to fear effects) 

The elflings are fey, having come to Uteria eons ago. They elves formally call them the Alfiren, or “elf cousin”.

Every elfling is different, but there are some things that most elflings have in common. Most elflings that would become adventurers will be on their Calling, when they feel a need to explore the world. During the Calling, they have a very hard time staying in one place for very long, so a campaign based out of one location would give the player roleplaying opportunities to encourage the group to move, explore, or do anything other than stay in one place. If the campaign is located in a massive city like Seahaven, the elfling will be content enough to explore all the crevices and alleys of the city before wanting to move on.

Despite their size and tendency toward merriment, elflings should never merely be used as comic relief.  They see themselves as integral players in the game of living on Uteria and in the broader universe, and they are rarely petty.  Even when taking on the role of thief, an elfling would not be motivated by selfishness, but rather would see him or herself as an agent of the chaos of Creation. Often an elfling might steal from one to move it somewhere else where the victim might find it—just to watch the resulting confusion. This is serious business to an elfling.

But on the other side of the coin, they do have a great appreciation for jokes, gags, and laughs. This can sometimes annoy other party members, but their Charisma will usually help keep them wanted within a group environment. Their selflessness is also a boon for a party. They see no problem risking themselves for others, but this is not merely for heroics or morality. It is often simply a test of the mechanics of the universe, for which an elfling has endless curiosity.

If elflings travel with companions for a prolonged period of time, they will form a bond, seeing the group as their nomadic family: those who the universe set in motion with their own Calling. This can lead the elfling to do all they can to protect and help those within this bond. While this is endearing for companions, their propensity to get themselves in trouble can often swing the balance in the other direction. Having a bad understanding of (or distaste for) human laws of ownership and control, they often run afoul of constables and nobles.