In a city made unpleasant from ubiquitous dirt and toil, along with the ruling fist of the Zadeku family, a man named Marn Te’sterst, two generations ago, created an underground refuge for himself and his friends. At first, it was nothing more than a safe place to relax and enjoy themselves without having to worry about visiting tax collecting thugs—a place they could keep clean and stocked with spirits and games. Then, it became a place where a conspiracy was born to take down the Zadekus and other ruling elites, so that all of Kowal could be made more like the refuge…however, they never grew the courage to make a move. Now, two generations later, Marn’s grandson Jorl runs the refuge. To this day, they gather weekly to drink, play games, and talk of a revolution that never seems to get any closer to fruition.
Marn’s Refuge
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