City Statistics
Crime 1; Economy 2; Law 6; Knowledge 4; Magic 5
Highest Stat is 10, lowest 1
Large Town: Population 2100
80% human, 15% elfling, 3% dwarf, 2% faun
Government: Aristocracy
Ruler Lady Balan
She has ruled for 60 years since her husband passed away.
Attitude: Downtrodden. The town has been suffering famines and sickness for decades. The past 3 years have been the worst, corn and soybean crops have all rotted in the fields. All that has survived is cabbage and potato crops.
Superstitious: the peasants are fearful of Lady Balan, and see witchcraft in many places, but also seek a saviour.
The town is mainly under the thumb of the magistrate.
3 constables
Places of interest:
- Courthouse
- The Flogged Pony Tavern
- Crying Raven Inn and Tavern
- Belastikof Goods
- Ed’s Smithy
- Doctor Genbi (dwarf)
- Butcher
- Graf the leatherworker and bootmaker
- Masoleum
- The Fort