The weather in the Eastlands is erratic and dangerous. One day the sun can bake the lands , leaving behind dust and cracked mud. The next a raging acid rain storm moves through burning the characters and any animals caught out in it.
- 1-50: Clear
- 51-70: Overcast, Slight chance of rain.
- 71- 85: Rain
- 86-95: Heavy Thunderstorm
- 96: Dust Storm
- 97: Tornado
- 98-99: Acid Rain Storm – 1d6 damage per hour in the rain.
- 100: Acid Rain electric storm – 1d6 damage per hour in the rain, massive lighting.
- 1-25: Clear Moderate
- 26-50: Clear Cold
- 51-59: Overcast, Slight chance of rain. Cold but tolerable.
- 60-70: Overcast, Slight chance of freezing rain. Cold. Biting Wind.
- 71- 85: Rain
- 86-95: Thundersnow
- 96: Blizzard
- 97: Tornado
- 98-99: Acid Snow Storm – 1d6 damage per hour in the rain.
- 100: Freezing Acid Rain electric storm – 1d6 damage per hour in the rain, massive lighting.
Random Encounter Tables
Encounter Chance
- 1-65: No Encounter
- 66-75: Traveler; wary, defensive.
- 76-89 – Merchant
- 80-85: Bandits – 2d3 Bandits (level appropriate)
- 86-89: Unmen – 1d4 Unmen
- 90-94: Feral Elfling hunting group. 2d4 Hunters. 50% of being hostile.
- 95-98: Orovari Elves: 1d4 Scouts from the North
- 99: Demon
- 100: Northern Wyvere
Encounter Chance