Role in Story: minor NPC
Occupation: Leader of the Irregulars Mercenary Company
- Pay Da Bills
- Feels betrayed by the Baron.
- Wants the Red Guard and Uthgard out of Kowal.
Physical Description: Large nose, eyes close together. Salt and pepper beard. Tattoo around left eye.
Loud and boisterous. He fills the room with his voice and is unaware of how strong his personality is.
He rubs his belly a lot while speaking.
Morts parents left Greyhelm because the church did not approve of their love. His fathers settled in Kowal as dwarf town here was much more open minded. His one father got sick and Mort took up adventuring for money.
His adventuring group morphed into the Irregulars.
Internal Conflicts: Loyal to the people of Kowal, but not its political machinations.
External Conflicts: Wanted by the Red guard now.
Character Sheet:
- Race: Dwarf
- Age: 75
- Class/Level: Fighter 3/Ranger 4
- Challenge Rating: 6
- Size: M
- Handed: Right
- Languages: Common
- Initiative: +0
- Hit Points: 51 (7 HD) DR: 2
- Armor Class: 19, touch 11, 19 flat-footed (+5 Armor, +1 Shield, +2 Natural, +1 Misc)
- Saves: Fort +11 Ref +7 Will +5
- Sanity: 54
- Weaknesses:
- Fears: Extreme weather
- Speed: 30′
- Base Attack: +7/+2
- Melee: Longsword +11/+6 (1d8+4)
- Ranged: Composite Shortbow (Legacy Weapon) +8/+3 (1d6+5/18-20)
- Special Attacks:
- Abilities: STR 19, DEX 11, CON 15, INT 11, WIS 13, CHA 9
- Skills: Acrobatics +2, Athletics +6, Awareness +7, Endurance +2, Knowledge +1, Persuasion -1, Survival +5, Thievery +3
- Talents: Alertness, Call of Nature, Cleave, Expanded Critical, Rapid shot
- Special Qualities: Favored Enemy, Favored Terrain, Fighter, Hunter’s Bond, Track
Longsword 1 4 lbs.
Chainmail (Legacy Armor) 1 40 lbs. Special: +1 enhancement bonus to armor class, DR 2/-
Buckler 1 2 lbs.
Backpack 1 2 lbs.
Bedroll 1 5 lbs.
Caltrops 1 2 lbs.
Chain (10′) 1 2 lbs.
Grappling hook 1 4 lbs.
Hammer 1 2 lbs.
Lock (good) 1 1 lb.
Waterskin 1 4 lbs.
Healer’s kit 1 1 lb.
Composite Shortbow (Legacy Weapon) (2 lb.)
Total Weight Carried: 71 lbs.
Current load: Light
Light: 116 lbs.
Medium: 233 lbs.
Heavy: 350 lbs.