Adventure Contract

Please fill out the Adventure Request form below.


    Name: Joe Smith

    E mail:

    Requested Dates: Anytime in the next two weeks, Except Tuesdays

    Adventuring Group: Kad, Bremen, Grael, Roe

    Region: E5

    Goal: To further explore the caverns discovered there.


    Ferric Watoss

    Ferric was a shop owner in Kowal. His shop specialized in buying rare and strange objects. He had received warning from the Wanderer’s that his shop was targeted by the Red Guard. Fleeing in the middle of the night, he escaped the Elmhearth. 

    He has now opened up a shop, called the Supply Tent, which is just that, a tent that deals in the supplies and items of the Elmhearth refugee camp.


    Finnian Nightfall

    Male Feral Elfling: Pale-skinned with a shock of black hair, Finnian has an otherworldly, haunted look. He rarely speaks, instead observing others with a calculating gaze. Skilled at hiding and quick to adapt, Finnian avoids conflict but holds a simmering resentment against the guards.

    Gerey Soray

    Gerey Soray is an ex-guardsman from Kowal. He left the city to be free of the Uthgard influence on the city. He leads up the guards for Elmhearth now.

    Gerey is an old, skinny, grizzled man, his thinning grey hair is kept short. He has a neatly trimmed beard, and his chainmail is always thoroughly oiled. His large bastard sword across his back is adorned with his family crest, three acorns.

    He is loyal to Helfen and the settlement.


    Gylas is not part of the Wanderers, but he is fiercely loyal to them. He is a Losvari elf, who found himself back in the lands of Atheles at the young age of eight. He was captured by the Red Guard and was long interrogated and imprisoned. When he was found to have no useful information, he was sent to the iron mines. There he showed an aptitude for chemistry, helping formulate and build black rock explosives that allowed the mines to dig deeper than ever. When the Red Guard was destroyed in 5706, he escaped and found his way to the Elmhearth. Helfen welcomed him to the community. His alchemical creations helped the village mine stone more quickly, and he built the Cauldron. It serves as both a shop for any villagers in need, but also as the source for any alchemical needs the Wanderers need.


    Race: Human Age 51
    Class: Fighter 4
    Challenge Rating: 3
    Size: Medium
    Initiative: +1

    Hit Points: 38
    Armor Class: 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16
    Saves: Fort +7 Ref +5 Will +2
    Weakness: Hurt ankle (slower movement, can not travel over long distances)

    Speed: 25
    Base Attack: +4
    Melee: Mace +6 (1d6+2)
    Ranged: —
    Special Attacks:
    Mana: —

    Abilities: STR 14, DEX 12, CON 15, INT 13, WIS 11, CHA 10
    Skills: Acrobatics +2, Athletics +4, Awareness +4, Endurance +5, Knowledge +3, Persuasion +3, Spellcraft –, Survival +1, Thievery +2
    Talents: Investigator
    Special Qualities: —


    Helfen traveled as a caravan guard before he joined the Wanderers. He was not a thrill-seeker and worked mainly as a guard for Wanderer tasks. As soon as a way arose for him to get off the road, he jumped at the position. During the rebuilding of Elmhearth, he fell from the second story and severely damaged his ankle.

    Optimistic, Hard-working, Rigid

    Northguard Inn

    The inn is tall for a two-story building. Its stone walls have aged from the weather. The two large metal doors open easily into a large common room. A quick look around shows an assortment of people, and all the tables and chairs are taken, save for a round table in the corner, near the hearth.

    Innkeeper Baralt (Commoner 1): Owner of the tavern. He is pudgy and a big beard hangs below a smile that splits his face.


    • Eggs, Jerky, and Potatoes  (5 cp)
    • Stewed Grouse and Turnip, Tankard of Mead (12 cp)
    • Millet Porridge, Mug of Ale (2 cp)
    • Stewed Sausage and Watercress, Tankard of Beer (12 cp)
    • Salted Crayfish and Barley Bread, Tankard of Ale (11 cp)
    • Pickled Mutton and Dried Lettuce, Tankard of Cider (7 cp)

    Overnight prices:

    • Common room (3cp)
    • Bunk room with bed (1sp)
    • Bath (1sp)
    • Private room with 2 beds (3sp)

    SagaBorn West Marches Campaign Rules

    Gameplay Rules

    West Marches Rules


    Here are some rules for the Sagaborn West Marches Campaigns.

    The Goal

    Survey the land to find the best route for a road to go through the Swordspyne Mountains.


    At the start of a game session, a Westbounder may report that they have done one of the following: worked on a Skill, worked on a Characteristic, learn new spells, craft, or roll on the Downtime Chart.

    Downtime Chart

    1Carousing: you spent the week in merriment, visiting taverns and gambling halls, and lost gold equal to your level x 10 gp
    2-4You spent the week training and gained an extra Saga Point at the start of your next adventure.
    5-7Side job: gain 1d6 gp
    8-9Side job: gain 2d4 gp
    10Side job: gain 2d6 gp

    Work on a Skill

    An adventurer may name a skill under 50 and attempt to level it up. 

    Work on a Characteristic

    An adventurer may name a characteristic that they have been training. It can be STR, CON, DEX, ACU, or SOC. Leveling up a characteristic takes four downtime sessions.


    If an adventurer has a scroll, spellbook, a teacher, or other ancient text with spells inside, a mage can use the downtime to learn the spell. They may also scribe the spell if they have learned a spell through spell sight. A luminar must have a successful Research check to scribe the spell in their spellbook.


    You can use a craft skill to make 150 gp worth of crafted goods for 50% of the retail cost. You need a crafting room or kit, and a successful Crafting skill check to be successful.


    Your character can spend the downtime gathering crafting materials. A skill check is needed, and if successful, you gather materials worth 75 gp.

    Session Start

    1. Travel to the Storehouse and make purchases, refill food, water, and ammo.
    2. Decide on Downtime activity.
    3. Choose a direction and explore.

    Travel and Survival


    There are 3 watches per day, each lasting 8 hours. The standard day includes 1 watch for travel, 1 watch for downtime, and 1 watch for rest. Traveling more than 1 watch can lead to fatigue.


    Activities that can be done during a watch.

    • Travel
    • Navigate
    • Keep watch
    • Survey
    • Forage
    • Hunt
    • Cook or other craft
    • Tend to wounds
    • Rest


    You can travel up to your standard day travel in 8 hours (1 watch) over non-difficult overland terrain. If you travel more than one Watch a day, you become fatigued. 


    You can navigate, finding the best route towards your goal. Unlike most other activities, Navigation can be done during Travel with no penalty. The main skill is Navigate, but other adventurers can use their Navigation to help with this skill roll. For every completed survey of a hex, modify the Navigation rating by 10% (so if there are four previous surveys in that hex, you modify your skill rating by adding 40%). Failure: If you fail to navigate the hex, you are stuck in that hex and must spend another watch trying to leave. If all Navigation checks fail during a single watch, if another attempted is tried on the following watch, the skill check is considered Easy.

    Keep Watch

    You can be alert for threats and watch over the group’s safety. You can do this during Travel with no penalty. Also, if you keep watch during a rest shift, but it must be no longer than 4 hours, and if it is interrupted by an event, the character Keeping Watch is not considered to have Rested.


    You can survey a hex by marking trees, laying down pathways, creating a map, and exploring the hex for any features. A hex becomes Safe when it has been successfully surveyed 6 times and a completed expedition report submitted. A single adventurer can use any pertinent skill that the SG approves to survey. Surveying can be done while traveling. 


    You can forage for food. With a successful Survival check, you find food and water enough for 2 people for a day (2x rations, 2x water). A critical or special gets double that amount. You can Forage while traveling, but it becomes difficult. 


    You can hunt for food. A successful Survival check provides enough food for four people for a day (4x rations). A critical or special gets double that amount. However, you can not hunt while traveling. 


    Anyone with mobile crafting or repair stations can craft during a watch. Crafting can not be done during travel unless you are in a vehicle and not participating in its operation. 

    Tend to wounds

    You can use your First Aid to help any injured person. Attempting to do this during travel becomes difficult


    You can rest to regain health and mana. It can not be done during travel unless you are in a vehicle and are taking no part in its operation. A character must rest for 8 hours or they become fatigued.

    Standard Day of Travel

    Start of the Day:

    • One player rolls 2d6 for weather.
    • Players use food and water rations.

    There are three watches. Each watch uses this timeframe:

    • SG gives a synopsis of what the hex looks like as you enter. 
    • Declaration of adventurer activity. 
    • Activities are rolled for. Each failure adds 5 to the SG Random Encounters Table, and subtracts 5 from the hex features roll. 
    • SG rolls for Hex features if traveling. 
    • SG rolls for random encounters. 
    • Resolve features and encounters. 

    Safe Hexes

    If a Hex is marked as Safe, it means that the Road crew has built the road and that there are guards who patrol the hex, meaning you no longer have random encounters or need to navigate the hex.

    Safe = Explored with Guarded Road.

    Guarded = An Explored Hex that has a road connected to Elmhearth. A new stronghold must be along the road every 4 hexs (4 days travel) away from Elmhearth.

    Road = Explored Hex and Elmhearth

    Explored = 6 Successful Surveys

    To mark a Hex as safe, it must be fully explored, and then Elmhearth must begin to build a road. To fully explore a hex, it must have been successfully surveyed 6 times. 

    The Map

    Each labeled “mini” hex is 16 miles across, meaning a group can travel across it in 1 day as long as terrain and weather permit (standard travel in a day is 16 miles).


    A hero gains a Talent point after every 3 play sessions. 

    Guild Pay

    Adventurers are given 10 gp per successful survey in a hex. They gain a bonus of 20 gp when the hex becomes fully surveyed.


    For a hero to gain the bonuses from a stronghold they must have 2 things. One, they must have a personal bedroom in the stronghold (meaning they must build one and maintain it), and two, the adventure must start from the closest stronghold, and that is the stronghold from which they gain bonuses.

    Other Stronghold Rules:

    • During downtime, a hero can travel to any stronghold to do work.
    • A stronghold must have one road going to it to be part of the Road West network.
    • Strongholds have events. These can add to the cost of upkeep and guarding a stronghold.

    Stronghold Downtime Events (1d100)

    Roll (1d100)Event
    1–65Nothing Happens – A quiet and uneventful downtime.
    66–70Attack in the Night – Raiders or beasts threaten the stronghold.
    71–75Supplies Rotten – Provisions spoil, reducing food stores. Cost Stronghold level  x 10 gp
    76–80Collapsed Wall – A section of the wall needs immediate repair. Cost Stronghold level  x 75 gp
    81–85Fire – A blaze disrupts operations. Cost Stronghold level  x 100 gp
    86–90Infestation – Pests invade, threatening food supplies. Cost Stronghold level  x 20 gp
    91–93Unexpected Visitor – A stranger arrives with urgent news or needs.
    94–96Worker Dispute – Laborers refuse to work due to grievances.
    97–98Runaway Livestock – Animals escape, causing losses. Cost Stronghold level  x 10 gp
    99–100Drought – Wells run dry, creating a water shortage. Cost Stronghold level  x 25 gp

    What is this style of Play?

    The SagaBorn living campaign is a bit different then your normal TTRPG campaign. This is based on a West Marches style game (see more from Matt Colville We want to have many players, like 20-30. Players, when they want to adventure, form a group, picking from any of the other players to form a 3-6 person group. They then decide where they want to venture, or what quest they want to fulfill off the Task Board. The group then petitions one of the GMs (Mike in the first couple of months) to make an adventure and they all schedule a time.

    Rule One:

    You are an adventurer because you feel a strong call in your bones to adventure. The boredom of a calm life doesn’t appeal to you – you are driven to leave behind the safety of civilization and explore the wilds to make your name. Regardless of what drives you, you are driven. You choose where to go and what to do. There will be a handful of obvious choices, but you don’t by any means need to take them. The adventure is in your hands.

    Other “rules”:

    • Players can suggest or join sessions on an at-will basis. There is no assumed set party – characters can adventure in many different groups.
    • Each session is presumed to be self-contained. Players venture into the wild, find or are found by adventure, and return home each session.
    • New characters start at level 1. Characters keep whatever gold and XP they earn from session to session, and characters may (until further notice) group with other characters of any level.
    • Every character starts each session in Kowal. If characters have not returned home by the end of the session, they automatically return after play has ended.
      • Exceptions from this rule can be made to accommodate longer adventures spanning over multiple sessions.
    • The players decide where to go and what to do in advance.
    • There is a shared world map, that’s potentially unreliable.

    The Current Campaign is The Road West

    Shadows of the Swordspynes Adventurers

    Helfen’s List of Adventurers

    Past Adventurers:

    • Lisabeth –
    • Level 1 Bard
    • Discord: DnDungeonMaster

    Lisabeth is an independent and inquisitive young woman who is trying to learn about the world and herself.

    • Marrik Stonesplitter
    • Level 1 Rogue
    • Discord: Lionheart the 1st

    I am a grizzled and scarred Half Dwarf, with shoulder length black hair and a beard halfway down my chest. My blue eyes peer out from under thick black eyebrows. My nose has been broken multiple times, and there is a white streak through my beard where a scar runs from the edge of my mouth down to my neck.

    I appear to be what a human would consider middle aged, and am 5’5″ in height. A keen observer would notice that I walk much lighter on my feet than any of my full-blooded Dwarven brethren. I wear cobbled together hide armor/clothes, and carry a pickaxe across my back.

    My gruff/grouchy demeanor is not easy to be around. Mostly I attempt to keep quiet while spending time around others, but my deep angry voice issues forth short terse answers when forced into conversation.

    • Matrick
    • Level 1 Ranger
    • Discord: Joe Slucher#2310 

    Despite his height of 6’4, Matrick, still looks more like a boy than a man at only 18 years of age. A gangly pencil-necked boy with a desperate attempt for a beard growing on his face and a head of hair that looks like a pile of springs that bounce wildly with every movement. His clothes are of good quality and designed for utility rather than appearance. He has a leather-wrapped notebook strapped to his thigh at all times. If you have seen him around town, he always seems to be in a hurry.

    • Ripley
    • Level 1 Wylder
    • Discord: Bludias

    Human, Male, around 40 years. Wylder Battle Mage. For hire, but when the family calls for aid, will leave party for the time it takes to settle the need. Wanderer, doesn’t try to form lasting bonds but won’t deny them if they happen.

    • Tilda Ironforge
    • Level 1 Rogue
    • Discord

    Tilda stands about two inches shy of five feet tall, with a ruddy brown complexion and shockingly bright blond hair. Her eyes are deep blue and have a perpetual look of sadness about them. She is well-muscled, especially about the arms that look to have been worked at a Dwarven Forge. She perpetually carries a forging hammer that looks older than she is.

    Shadows of the Swordspynes: The Road West

    Getting Started: Campaign Quick Start Guide

    The Road West is a campaign that takes place in the Eastlands of Atheles. It centers on the stronghold of Elmhearth, and the Wanderers Guild, of which all adventures in the campaign are a part of. 

    Elmhearth was once just an outpost for the Wanderers, an adventurers guild. The nearby metropolis, Kowal, has fallen to dark times. You and others have fled to Elmhearth as a sanctuary. But for Elmhearth to survive, you must help its overseer, Helfen. The refuge needs food, protection, and especially gold. The Wanderers, the adventurers guild, wants a road out of Uthgard into the West. So besides helping supply the encampment, you are also tasked with taking expeditions into the wilds. You should map the best routes for roads, establish strongholds, and tame the wilderness so that there is a safe road west.

    The Road West is also a way to test the newly designed SagaBorn Basic Roleplaying Edition. The game was submitted to Chaosium for their designer contest and needs people to help test it and refine the system.


    You find yourself in Elmhearth, an outpost for the Wanderers. Kowal has become too dangerous for those who don’t fit within the city’s narrow cultural norms. You have come here for sanctuary and, hopefully, to start a new life away from the oppressive city.

    What is the campaign?

    Shadows of the Swordspyne is a living campaign, which will be run much like a West Marches campaign ( see Matt Colville’s video on it: Adventures will be player driven, and as we grow, we will add new SGs, new strongholds, and new players.

    How is it played (aka how is it a living campaign)?

    Elmhearth is a encampment which has become refuge for people leaving the turmoil of the city. The players will all work for the Wanderers, but the game will hinge on their participation. The players have to form a group, decide what they want to do, and contact a GM about setting up a session time. Plans must be submitted at least one week before the game session to give the GM time to develop an adventure.

    Here is our Road West West Marches campaign rules page.

    What do I need?

    You should bookmark the SagaBorn BRP website ( and download Fantasy Grounds (free edition) ( Join our Discord channel.

    How do I run a game?

    We are keeping the StoryGuide pool small for now, but will expand in the future. You must play in at least 4 sessions within the campaign before you can apply to be a SG.

    Shadows of the Swordspynes Adventurers

    Shadows of the Swordspynes Non-player Characters

    The Map

    Map Rules

    Request an adventure at the Adventure Contract!

    Download the Settlement Guide for free: