Campaign Quick Start Guide

How to join the Road West Campaign:

  1. Join our Discord channel. Go to Roles and choose West Bounders as a role. This allows for easy communication.
  2. Go to for the latest rules version.
  3. Introduce yourself in the Sagaborn discord, which is where we play and schedule games.
  4. Roll a level 1 character or pick a premade. A digital character spreadsheet is available here (make a copy to your own Google Drive or download), but you can also submit a pdf, photo, or text document. Watch this video if you need help making a character:
  5. Email character sheet (it can be a word doc, text doc, google doc, PDF) to (Character sheets will be entered into Fantasy Grounds, and afterwards that will become your main character sheet).
  6. Install the Demo version of Fantasy Grounds (no need for the paid version as I have the ultimate version).
  7. Look over the quick rules for this game: Road West Gameplay, but don’t feel any pressure; we can help with anything on game nights.

Scheduling a Gaming night:

  1. Find some companions. The least we will run for is 2, the most is 6. You can find them in our Discord, there is a looking for group at The Road West rw-lfg.
    1. Also discuss dates and times so they can be included as a request for the GM.
  2. The adventurers discuss what they want to do on the adventure.
    1. You can check the Task Board.
    2. You can review the map and just go exploring.
  3. Send in a request to us at the Adventure Contract Form.
  4. Allow at least a week for the SG to construct the adventure.
  5. Adventure!

Before a Game night:

  1. Join our Discord channel.
  2. Install the Demo version of Fantasy Grounds
  3. Have a microphone for your system as we will be using Discord’s voice chat.
  4. Connect to game via Fantasy Grounds (game master name is mbielaczyc).