Whats Happening in Uteria

So we are still trying to get the module – The Tomb of Kochun – ready for print. The file has been sent in to the publisher, and we are just waiting for them to get it all together.

Danny collins and I have been working hard on a book about the Elves and Elflings of Uteria. Expect a free preview in the next couple of weeks!

Also, the website will soon go under a complete over haul, so keep an eye out for that.

Elflings – Art


Male Elfling, pencil on paper.


Elflings consider themselves one of the first creatures to walk Uteria, and also claim that they gave the original names to many things. The Elves, considered cousins by the Elflings, do not hold to this belief. One should note that the terms Elves, Elf and Elfling are all human or dwarven in origin and each respective race has their own names for themselves, though elflings are quite content with keeping their common tongue name. In fact they readily accept the common tongue that they often have very illustrative surnames as Hilljumper or Stonethrower.Continue reading

Finally, the Beta has begun!

The module I (and others) have been working on for so long is finally in the beta stage. The module is made for 4-6 level 7 characters. It comes with 4 premade heroes so you can jump right in to the fray! Follow the link below to download the pdf.

The Beta is now over, but the book should be available soon!

Character Sheets for the upcoming Module

So Paul just finished designing the  character sheets for the pre-made characters, and they look great! We have the standard classes already rolled up and ready to go some players can jump right into the module!

The module is super close to being ready for beta, so we will be posting it up soon for testing!

New Map – Township of Byrn

Just got City Designer 3 from Profantasy and this is my first demo map. I will be tweaking it and making many more in the upcoming months.

The Township of Byrn is in the Westlands of Uteria, southwest of Ferryport. It is on the borders of the elfling lands and the Kaelnost Forest.


Hi, this is Josh!  This is my first post on the site.  I plan on updating it once a week or so–we’ve been working on a whole buncha stuff that we’re really excited about, and I’m going to post some of it here as we go.  Feel free to give us any feedback on it!