
Purchase Equipment

The coins of Atheles are gold pieces (gp), silver pieces (sp), and copper pieces (cp). The exchanges rates are 10sp=1gp, and 10cp=1sp.


Each player gets 3d4 x 10 + 20 gp at character creation.


Goods Cost Weight Goods Cost Weight
Backpack (empty) 2 gp 2 lb. Lock (amazing) 150 gp 1 lb.
Bedroll 1 sp 5 lb. Manacles 15 gp 2 lb.
Blanket, winter 5 sp 3 lb. Mirror, small steel 10 gp ½ lb.
Oil (1 pint) 5 sp 1 lb.
Caltrops 5 sp 1 lb. Pouch, belt (empty) 1 gp ½ lb.
Candle 1 cp Rations, trail (per day) 5 sp 1 lb.
Case, map or scroll 1 gp ½ lb. Rope, hemp (50’) 1 gp 10 lb.
Chain (10’) 30 gp 2 lb. Rope, silk (50’) 10 gp 5 lb.
Chalk 1 cp Sack (empty) 1 sp ½ lb.1
Flint and steel 1 gp Signet ring 5 gp
Grappling hook 1 gp 4 lb. Shovel 2 gp 8 lb.
Hammer 5 sp 2 lb. Soap (per lb.) 5 sp 1 lb.
Lamp 5 sp 1 lb. Sledge 1 gp 10 lbs.
Lantern, bullseye 12 gp 3 lb. Spyglass 1,000 gp 1 lb.
Lantern, hooded 7 gp 2 lb. Tent 10 gp 20 lb.
Lock (very simple) 20 gp 1 lb. Torch 1 cp 1 lb.
Lock (average) 40 gp 1 lb. Waterskin 1 gp 4 lb.
Lock (good) 80 gp 1 lb. Whetstone 2 cp 1 lb.


Tools and Kits
Alchemist’s lab 240 gp 40 lb.
Climber’s kit 80 gp 5 lb.
Healer’s kit 50 gp 1 lb.
Magnifying glass 100 gp
Musical instrument 5 gp
Musical instrument (masterwork) 100 gp
Thieves’ tools 30 gp 1 lb.
Thieves’ tools (masterwork) 100 gp 2 lb.


Goods or Services Cost Weight Goods or Services Cost Weight
Ale Meals (per day)
Gallon 2 sp 8 lb. Good 5 sp
Mug 4 cp 1 lb. Common 3 sp
Bread, per loaf 2 cp ½ lb. Poor 1 sp
Cheese, hunk of 1 sp ½ lb. Meat, chunk of 3 sp ½ lb.
Inn stay (per day) Wine
Good 2 gp Common (pitcher) 2 sp 6 lb.
Common 4 sp Fine (bottle) 10 gp 1½ lb.
Poor 1 sp




All weapons do double damage, also called a critical hit, when a natural 20 is rolled: roll your damage dice twice, with all applicable bonuses, and add the rolls together for the total damage inflicted. Type of weapons is P for piercing, S for Slashing, B for Budgeoning, and 2H for Two-Handed.


Weapon Damage Weight Cost Type Range
Unarmed 1d3 Non-lethal
Light Weapons
Dagger 1d4 1 lb. 2 gp P 20’
Stiletto 1d4 1 lb. 4 gp P
Whip 1d4 2 lb. 2 gp S
Medium Weapons
Handaxe 1d6 3 lb. 6 gp S
Mace 1d6 5 lb. 9 gp B
Quarterstaff 1d6 4 lb. B / 2H
Rapier 1d6 2 lb. 20 gp P
Scimitar 1d6 4 lb. 15 gp S
Short Spear 1d6 3 lb. 1 gp P 40’
Short Sword 1d6 2 lb. 10 gp P
Large Weapons
Battleaxe 1d8 6 lb. 10 gp S
Longsword 1d8 4 lb. 15 gp S
Falchion 1d8 8 lb. 20 gp S / 2H
Morningstar 1d8 6 lb. 8 gp B / P
Spear 1d8 9 lb. 5 gp P / 2H
Trident 1d8 4 lb. 15 gp P
Warhammer 1d8 5 lb. 12 gp B
Extra Large Weapons
Greataxe 2d6 12 lb. 20 gp S / 2H
Great Sword 2d6 8 lb. 5 gp S / 2H
Halberd 2d6 12 lb. 10 gp P / S
Ranged Weapons
Bolas 1d3 2 lb. 5 gp B 60’
Sling 1d4 0 lb. B 50’
Crossbow 1d8 8 lb. 45 gp P / 2H 100’
Shortbow 1d6 2 lb. 30 gp P 65’
Longbow 1d8 3 lb. 75 gp P 110’
Composite bow Add STR bonus Add 100 gp +20’ range
Arrow (20) 1 gp P
Bolt (10) 1 gp P
Bullet, sling (10) 1 sp B
Exotic Weapons
Bastard Sword 1d10 6 lb. 35 gp S
Dwarven Waraxe 1d10 12 lb. 50 gp S / 2H
Iron Chain Whip 1d6 3 lb. 15 gp S




Armor Cost AC bonus Max Dex Bonus Weight
Light Armor
Padded 5 gp 1 8 10 lb.
Leather 10 gp 2 6 15 lb.
Studded Leather 25 gp 3 5 20 lb.
Chain shirt 100 gp 4 4 25 lb.
Medium Armor
Hide 15 gp 3 4 25 lb.
Scale mail 50 gp 4 3 30 lb.
Chainmail 150 gp 5 2 40 lb.
Breastplate 200 gp 5 3 30 lb.
Heavy Armor
Splint mail 200 gp 6 0 45 lb.
Banded mail 250 gp 6 1 35 lb.
Half-plate 600 gp 7 0 50 lb.
Full plate 1,500 gp 8 1 50 lb.
Buckler 1 gp 1 2 lb.
Shield, light wooden 3 gp 1 5 lb.
Shield, light steel 9 gp 1 6 lb.
Shield, heavy wooden 7 gp 2 10 lb.
Shield, heavy steel 20 gp 2 15 lb.
Shield, tower 45 gp 4 2 45 lb.


Selling Items

Items commonly sell for 1/2 their listed price.


Masterwork Items

Masterwork items are created with superior materials and craftsmanship. A masterwork item grants a +1 to any roll using the item. This does not apply to damage. The cost for a masterwork item is quadruple the listed cost.

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